We know people who eat negligibly little, and at the same time they have more than enough energy! In the same way, there are those who consume a lot of varied food, but this does not add strength to them. How to make sure that food gives us maximum energy, and we can reduce portions without fighting hunger and feel great?
We know that in order for food to nourish us with energy and give us useful substances, it is important that the products themselves are of high quality. And this is logical. However, even the most wonderful eco-bio products do not guarantee that you will get enough nutrients from food, because there is a second, equally important factor in “success”: the quality of digestion.
Does the digestive system efficiently absorb nutrients? Unfortunately, not always. In the Taoist tradition, there is an idea that Qi energy is needed to digest food – if it is not enough, then a person will receive hardly half of the useful elements from food.
Our body is arranged so wisely that when it receives insufficient nutrients, it “asks” for more. At the same time, a person seems to fall into a vicious circle: he eats more and more, and the necessary trace elements still remain in short supply. But the extra weight is on the rise. It is necessary to reduce portions, as the weight goes away, but the deficiency of nutrients worsens. We feel weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, experience problems with the skin, hair, nails, and observe other unpleasant symptoms. How to change it?
What to give up?
In the Taoist tradition, there is the idea of a “digestive fire”, which should be strong – to burn and “burn in the furnace” everything that we eat. You probably know people with such a “fire” – they can eat anything at any time of the year, while maintaining harmony and energy. Unfortunately, this is not given to everyone. How to kindle this fire and improve the quality of metabolic processes? To do this, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:
1. Fresh vegetables and fruits – from a generally accepted point of view, this is the most healthy diet. However, Taoist doctors claim that thermally unprocessed food requires additional energy for digestion.
With weak digestion, the body does not cope very well anyway, and by additionally loading it, we only worsen the situation. Therefore, in such a situation, a diet is usually prescribed in which all products are cooked on fire for as long as possible: these are boiled cereals, rich broths, various jellies and aspics.
If everything is in order with digestion, and your task is to speed up metabolism and improve the absorption of nutrients, then preference should be given to baked or boiled foods. Vegetables can be steamed, fruits – in the form of compotes or decoctions.
“But what about vitamins?” – you ask. Firstly, in the same compotes, albeit not in full, but they remain. And secondly, it is necessary to diversify the diet with berries and seeds – from ordinary seeds and sesame seeds to exotic goji berries and chia seeds.
2. Dairy – according to Taoist theory, they slow down metabolic processes and create cold, mucus in the intestines. Because of this, the absorption of beneficial trace elements worsens.
3. White sugar and everything that contains it. Even bread and sausage are among the sugar-containing products, so when thinking about giving up sugar, make it a habit to read the labels.
What to eat?
In order for digestion to be trouble-free, it is necessary to increase the level of Qi energy in the body, then the body will have the strength to “process” food. What can urgently give us strength?
1. Seafood in shells – mussels and oysters are “ambulance” with a lack of vitality. Of course, they do not need to be eaten every day, but regular use will increase the energy status and improve the quality of digestion.
2. Seeds – the quintessence of energy that was supposed to be used for germination, but was preserved in the seed and went to us. Seeds include not only sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, but also buckwheat, millet, flax seeds … These are powerful tonics, and they can be used both raw and processed.
In general, the diet should be varied: we need meat, fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes. The only important limitation: the products must be thermally processed.