Eat It Yourself: The Rules for the Perfect Breakfast

Most nutritionists consider breakfast the main meal of the day. Even if you are watching your figure, at the beginning of the day you can treat yourself to high-calorie foods: pastries, fruits or porridge. Sociologist Claude Fischler and nutritionist Yves Kalinik tell how to eat to make the day work.

A good sign if you wake up hungry and have a hearty meal in the morning. This means that the body is working properly. If at the beginning of the day you have no appetite at all, you should think about whether you eat too much before bed. In addition, you need to have dinner two hours before bedtime so that the food has time to be digested. Then in the morning there will be a desire and an opportunity to eat a full breakfast.

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The energy value of breakfast for an adult is 500 kcal, for a child – 300 kcal. This meal should meet at least 25% of the body’s daily requirement for fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is useful to drink a glass of water before a meal to kick-start your metabolism and speed up your metabolism. In addition, a balanced breakfast should include:

Dairy products and/or eggs are a source of protein. These products energize and give a long feeling of satiety.

– fruit. Replenish vitamins. Fiber is digested for a long time, which means it is a guarantor of satiety. For those who follow the figure, sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, pears, melons) are recommended to eat strictly until noon.

– whole grains (toast, cookies, granola, cereals). Slow carbohydrates increase performance for a long time. Be careful with instant cereals and breakfast cereals. They usually contain a lot of sugar, dyes, flavors and palm oil.

– tea or coffee without sugar.

How breakfast is served around the world

The secrets of the perfect breakfast can be found in every country. All of them are time-tested, well-balanced, satisfy hunger for a long time and give a boost of energy. For instance,

– a traditional English breakfast includes two egg fried eggs, sausages, bacon, portobello mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, canned beans, buttered toast and fried potatoes. This is how the British proletariat had a hearty breakfast before a long working day. After starting the day like that, they could easily go without lunch. The aristocrats ate oatmeal and eggs. Choose the option that is closer to you.

– An American breakfast usually includes a portion of pancakes (something between pancakes and pancakes) with maple syrup, pastries with cottage cheese or cereal with milk.

– The French in the morning allow themselves croissants with butter or brioche buns with chocolate. As well as scrambled eggs and hot croque-monsieur or croque-madame sandwiches with cheese and ham.

– in Japan they eat rice, fried fish, miso soup and scrambled eggs.

– Scandinavians drink coffee and eat a sandwich with cheese or shrimp (smerbrod).

Don’t eat alone

For our mental health, it is important not only what we eat, but also how: alone or in company. Therefore, if possible, do not eat breakfast alone.

Even if you leave for work late, wake up a little earlier to have breakfast with other family members. If you live separately, agree with one of your friends at least once a week to have breakfast together in a cafe.

Breakfast in the company of others will give a good mood for the whole day, it is an opportunity to feel the attention and exchange news. Even the very friendly atmosphere fills with positive energy.

We often eat just to satisfy our hunger. While the ritual of eating should remain a moment of joy, communication and enjoyment.

Give yourself time

Try to give breakfast at least 20 minutes. Do not read the news on your smartphone and do not turn on the TV. Don’t eat on the run. Chew your food thoroughly and think about the pleasant, so the food is better absorbed. By the way, it is especially important for the body to eat within the first two hours after waking up.

weekend ritual

It is quite difficult to follow these recommendations on weekdays. The desire to sleep an extra 30 minutes and the eternal rush force you to skip breakfast and have a snack on the way to work or at the office. Sometimes it is impossible to change the rhythm of life. But you can correct all errors on weekends. Make it a habit to cook a big family or friendly breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.

Don’t like to cook? Go to the cafe. Many of them extend their morning menu with porridges and omelettes on weekends or offer delicious brunch options. A good way to start the day interesting and meet friends.

About the experts: Yves Kalinick – nutritionist, consultant nutritionist: Claude Fischler – sociologist, anthropologist, co-authored the book “How the French, Americans and other Europeans eat” in collaboration with psychologist Estelle Mason.

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