Eat and Lose Weight: 12 Foods for a Slim Figure
We are talking about healthy foods that you should include in your diet right now.
“What would you eat to lose weight?” This question is asked by everyone who sits at home in quarantine. Moreover, the beach season is just a stone’s throw away. There is an answer, and it does not boil down to sarcastic advice to seal your mouth with duct tape. We have prepared a list of foods that can be consumed without harm to the figure.
Fitness gurus are ready to sing praises to this product around the clock. Great for a post-workout snack or at work if you don’t have time to take anything with you. You can dine with cottage cheese. Then the body will thank you in the morning with a feeling of lightness and a decreased figure on the scales. The fact is that cottage cheese is absorbed for a long time due to the casein protein it contains. It restores muscles after exertion and burns fat – you need to take energy from somewhere to process the product. The optimum fat content of cottage cheese is 4-5 percent. Then calcium is also absorbed from it. You do not need to chase fat-free, it is less useful.
First of all, we are talking about strawberries and blueberries. They help prevent weight gain due to their high content of anthocyanins (plant pigments that give them their vibrant color – red-orange and blue-violet). They have powerful antioxidant properties. Eat them fresh, add them to cereals, or use a berry cocktail as a base. In the summer, stock up for the winter, because most of the beneficial properties are preserved in the frozen product.
Meat is an important part of a healthy diet. It is it that is the richest source of proteins that our body needs. For those who want to lose weight, the main methods of cooking should be boiling (to reduce the number of calories that are provided to you when frying in oil) or steaming. For meat types, give preference to turkey, chicken, rabbit and lean beef. And you can eat almost any fish – it is high-quality protein, dietary nutrition, and a valuable source of omega-3 acids.
Basic: grapefruit, pineapple, apple and grapes. You can add grapefruit to both fresh and fruit salad. It ranks first in the lists of fat burning products. Eating 100-150 grams of grapefruit daily, you can lose several kilograms. By the way, citrus fruits, including grapefruit, help the body to digest meat. So you can safely finish your meal with it. Pineapple is also a leader in weight loss. However, it must be borne in mind that this fruit also tends to whet the appetite. Therefore, they should not be overused – limit yourself to small pieces. Adding just three apples to your daily diet also promotes weight loss. And when you want something sweet, eat grapes. Yes, it is high in calories, so you should not abuse it. But it is much healthier than sweets and cakes.
High-fiber oatmeal is the perfect breakfast for those looking to lose weight. For a faster and more lasting effect, cook it with water (add a little milk at the very end of cooking if necessary) and without oil.
Beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas. It doesn’t matter which legumes you eat – green, black, red, blue. All of them will help you lose those extra pounds. They have a high nutritional value. Plus, it’s one of the easiest ways to increase your protein intake and can help you keep you feeling full for a long time.
Mushrooms are gaining popularity in weight loss programs. This is largely due to their low calorie content. The most effective are champignons and oyster mushrooms. Champignons are also able to regulate blood sugar levels (which helps prevent diabetes) and hormone balance. Keep in mind that dried and fried mushrooms are more nutritious and contain few nutrients.
Cinnamon, hot peppers, ginger, turmeric – many spices help speed up metabolism and burn fat on the sides more efficiently. Plus, there are other benefits to condiments. Some of them strengthen the immune system, others help to give up salt: if the dish is already rich and aromatic, then salt is useless. As a result, less swelling, less flabbiness, more tone.
Yes, yes, they are able to influence body fat and promote weight loss. Nuts are the richest source of protein, fat and fiber. They are high in calories, but oddly enough, they are a source of fats that promote weight loss. So use peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, or walnuts for snacks.
Scientists have proven that if you use olive oil instead of sauces and salad dressings, then you will slowly but surely begin to lose those extra pounds. Olive oil contains the largest amount of nutrients in comparison with other oils, it is almost completely absorbed and has a beneficial effect on the body. It is better to choose, of course, extra virgin olive.
It is considered a powerful fat burning product. It has a positive effect on the skin, helps to reduce stress manifestations, etc. You can eat it completely – stem, root, leaves. So when you want to crunch your chips while watching a movie, think – and grab a celery. Compare: 160 calories versus 14. If you don’t want to eat just like that, dip it in chickpea paste (we talked about legumes above). Or make a celery, cucumber, apple smoothie.
This, of course, is water, as well as green tea and red wine. The amount of water depends on the needs of the body, but the minimum is 1,5-2 liters per day. Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. And in the morning, after you woke up, also drink a glass of warm water (to make your stomach work). Green tea stimulates the metabolic process and prevents the development of cancer cells. Five cups of green tea a day can help you lose up to 90 calories. Pu-erh tea also helps to lose weight. Red wine is rich in trace elements and is considered one of the best antioxidants. But the main thing is not to overdo it. For women, doctors consider the daily consumption of one glass of red wine (120-150 grams) to be the norm.
Expert Opinion
Anna Nesterova, head of scientific information and training at the #Sekta School of Ideal Body, told the readers of about whether the listed products contribute to weight loss.
Head of Scientific Information and Teaching, School of Ideal Body #Sekta
“Almost all of these products have beneficial properties and can be part of the diet if you want to lose weight or improve your health,” the expert notes. – But none of them have a miraculous effect, and fat burning qualities are nothing more than a myth. Studies on the effect of a particular product on metabolism are rare, and if the difference in the effect on metabolism was recorded in experiments, it is very small. There is no magic pill or special foods to improve or keep in shape. It is important to eat healthy and balanced meals, be physically active and get enough sleep. ”