Easy tricks to drink more water. Check! – Dietetics – Articles |

In the earlier article Water – How Much and How to Drink I provided information on the effects of dehydration and how much water we should drink every day. I also introduced the method of drinking water that is the most beneficial for us. In this article, I will tell you how to learn to drink water.

 How to learn to drink water?

  • Get rid of all substitutes
If you don’t have other drinks at home, it will be easier for you to drink water.

This is the first step that will make it easier for you to learn to drink water. How will not alternatives, you will only be drinking what you have planned and that you are craving you have to somehow extinguish it, it will be easier to overcome.

  • Find the right water

It would seem that all water tastes the same. It is not, however true. Waters differ in the content of the minerals they affect taste. So it’s good to look for a water that you just like. It’s worth it also determine the ideal water temperature – maybe water at room temperature cannot will suit you, but the water from the refrigerator will. It can also taste good Those, for example, black mineral water, which Justyna Piechocka described in the article: Will you decide on black mineral water? And if you do not know which water to choose, I encourage you to read Marta’s article Tomaszewska Water – the source of life.

  • Stock up

The third step is to stockpile water. Then it won’t come to situation where you run out of water and you can use it as an excuse to give up drinking and buy something else, such as a cola or juice.

  • Keep the water in view

Always have water with you. You can wear it all day long a bottle of water, or place the jug of water and glass on the desk or in a place where you visit frequently.

  •  Stick the reminders

In visible places where you are often, you can stick sticky notes with the inscription Drink waterthat will be whole time reminded you of your resolve.

  •  Draw lines on the bottle

You can draw lines on the bottle that will symbolize how much water you should drink up to a specific time. This will make it easier for you to control the quantity the water you drink and you will know if you are kneading and drinking at the right pace or maybe you drink too slowly.

  •  Download the application

There are tons of applications on the market that do the job remind you to drink water. So if you don’t like sticky notes or marking bottles, this solution may be perfect for you.

  • Change the taste of the water

If drinking water without additives is still not able to help you convince, you can change its taste by adding, for example, lemon, lime, mint or ginger. They will add flavor without adding unnecessary calories.

  •  Zstart with the method of small steps

Remember that you do not need to drink the recommended amount of fluids right away. Better increase this amount gradually rather than forcing large amounts of water into yourself, and quickly discourage.

  • Thought positively

When looking at the water, do not think of it as a necessary evil. It’s your decision, that you want to drink it in the right amount, so don’t torture yourself with the negative attitude. Think you want to drink water, not that you have to drink it. AND remind yourself of all the benefits of adequate hydration body.

  • buy wearing a cool pot to drink water
A cool dish can encourage you to drink more often.

Some people find it helpful to buy a special mug to get out of it is more pleasant to drink water or drink water, e.g. from a glass. Find something for yourself.

  • Eat it more vegetables and fruits

If you feel that you are unable to drink properly after all the amount of water, increase the consumption of products that are rich in this water. Down such products include mainly vegetables and fruits.

Don’t be afraid of large amounts

When increasing the amount you drink fluids at first, you may use the toilet more often, which may be right for you quite tiring. However, it is not worth getting discouraged by this, because after about 2-3 weeks the body gets used to more fluids and frequent visits to the toilet are no longer necessary.

What is your way to drink the right amount of water? Share your best practices in the comments.

Main photo: Photo credit: JeepersMedia / Foter / CC BY

Photo 1: Photo credit: James Cridland / Foter / CC BY

Photo 2: Photo credit: Didriks / Foter / CC BY

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