Easy home diet

Easy home diet

It does not take much time and gives a good result.

Not all girls have time to count calories, prepare complex healthy meals and follow many rules of tricky diets, so a light diet is a real chance for busy girls.

Easy Home Diet: Choosing One Food

Mono diets are a classic option for fast weight loss. They cannot be called completely safe, but they give excellent results. Choose a mono diet product that is available at this time of the year and that you love. This will make it much easier to stick to your diet.

Here are some examples of effective and simple mono diets.

  • Cabbage… For 2-3 days, eat only cabbage salads, you can season them with a minimum amount of olive oil.

  • Brazilian… Eat exclusively raw vegetables and fruits for 7 days.

  • Buckwheat… Eat buckwheat steamed with boiling water for 2-3 days without salt and oil.

  • Kefir… For 2-3 days, drink only kefir, 1,5 liters per day. Once a day, you can eat a tablespoon of wheat bran.

  • Soup… Eat low-fat soups throughout the week. These can be regular soups and cream soups.

  • Model… You can eat 1 boiled egg and 300 g of cottage cheese per day. This diet can last for a maximum of 3 days.

Be careful with mono diets. Do not exceed the recommended deadlines for them. Avoid the mono diet if you have serious health problems.

A light diet at home: a complete diet

This weight loss option is not only simple, but also safe. Eat the following diet for 3 days. There are two types of menus to choose from. The first type is sparing, the second is tough.

  • Breakfast. Option 1: 30 g of hard cheese, a slice of black bread. Option 2: 1 boiled egg.

  • Lunch: boiled beans, a piece of rye bread, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Option 2: a small piece of steamed fish, 150 g of vegetable salad without oil.

  • Dinner. Option 1: 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, cucumber and tomato. Option 2: tea without sugar.

You can also choose Hollywood or Japanese diet. In the first case, you need to exclude sugar, bread and fatty foods from the diet for a week, and in the second, cook all food without adding salt for 2 weeks.

Whichever diet option you choose, do not overuse it, do not diet too long, otherwise you can harm your health. Add 2-3 more sports workouts per week to the selected option, and the results will be more noticeable.

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