Easy exercises with elastic bands to work the whole body with the Pin Twins

Easy exercises with elastic bands to work the whole body with the Pin Twins


The personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a “full body” routine of five exercises with elastic bands to work on strength

Easy exercises with elastic bands to work the whole body with the Pin TwinsPM1:58

Use of El materials o accessories In training, it allows increasing the intensity of the exercise without increasing the difficulty, according to the personal trainers, Esther and Gema Pineda, Gemelas Pin, who this week advise using the elastic bands to perform this table and thus reinforce the work of a «full routine body »which may be simple, but is also effective.

This table of exercises with rubber bands, created in the facilities of Reto48 Velázquez, aims to tone the entire body, although with a special impact on the lower body. The Pin Twins’ routine, which has over 88.500 followers on Instagram, includes five exercises (15 repetitions each), three sets and 30 seconds of rest between sets.

Rubber band routine

15 (each exercise)
TV Shows
30 ” (between series)
Elastic rubber bands

This table, which can be done in about 12-15 minutes, is simpler but more intense than the three “cardio” routines that the Pin Twins proposed last week. Or even in the previous week, when they challenged us with a routine to reduce the gut and strengthen the abdomen.

Exercise 1: Front to shoulder with rubber band

We start from the standing position, with the legs shoulder-width apart. We step on the elastic band with both feet (we choose a closed model) keeping the legs with that separation and we take the other end of the elastic band with our hands. We raise the arms, holding the rubber bands tightly until it is above the head. Remember to keep your body straight and your arms firm when doing the lifts. We repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 2: Biceps in squat isometric

With this exercise we do biceps work. We start from an isometric squat position, with both feet stepping on the rubber bands. We take the other end of the rubber bands with our hands and do arm raises until the rubber bands are up to the neck or shoulder. Remember to maintain the position and tension of the tires. We repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 3: Individual triceps

With this exercise we will especially work the triceps. We will start from the standing position and move one of the feet forward, stepping on the elastic band. We will take the rubber with the arm opposite the foot and we will pull it back, keeping the body slightly inclined forward. We will repeat the exercise 15 times with one leg and another 15 with the other.

Exercise 4: Push-ups with resistance

We place ourselves on the floor in a flexion position but supporting the knees and the balls of the feet. We will pass the rubber over the shoulders and back and we will hold the ends with both hands. When doing the flexion and raising the body we will notice the resistance exerted by the rubber. We will repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 5: Supinated rubber openings

We start from the position of lying on the floor with the knees bent. We hold the elastic band tightly with both hands and we will open our arms towards the ground, bringing the elastic band to its maximum opening. We will repeat the exercise 15 times.

In addition to the routines proposed by ABC Bienestar each week, the Pin Twins plan online workouts at #workoutpin aimed at weight loss and muscle toning.

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