Nursery Rhymes on Easter Eggs
Selection of nursery rhymes to celebrate Easter as it should …
A, B, C, D, E, But where are the eggs?
F, G, H, I, J, No, not in my bed!
K, L, M, N, O, Not in the piano!
P, Q, R, S, T, Not in the attic!
U, V, W, And to find them,
X, Y, Z, We have to be helped!
Easter eggs
The chocolate hen lays,
Tiny little eggs in its nest.
Eggs of all colors,
Happy as a bouquet of flowers,
Without white or yellow inside.
They were eggs in liquor.
The egg
He passes a car,
What’s in it?
A basket.
What’s in the basket?
What’s in the straw?
A chicken.
What’s under the chicken?
An egg.
What’s in the egg?
The White.
It was easter
It was Easter in the morning,
I found in my garden,
Eggs green like meadows,
Eggs yellow like the sun,
Red eggs like tulips.
It was Easter in the morning,
I found in my garden,
Eggs green like meadows,
Eggs yellow like the sun,
Red eggs like tulips.
The egg (2)
In a secret hiding place,
I found a party egg.
He’s bigger than an apple,
With his ribbon on his head!
An egg !
All in chocolate,
Full of surprises:
A rabbit for you,
A fish for me!
“My little bunny escaped”, “The little nests” … On quickly find other Easter rhymes! |