Easter cake in a bread maker: recipe Video

Easter cake in a bread maker: recipe Video

It is impossible to imagine Easter without fresh, fragrant Easter cake. But the cooking process is quite lengthy. Not every woman today can afford to devote so much time to kneading yeast dough and scrupulously follow the technology prescribed by old recipes. You can, of course, buy ready-made Easter cake, but it will not be as tasty as one baked with your own hands. A bread maker will help you to quickly and easily cope with the task.

Easter cake in a bread maker

Cooking Easter cake in a bread maker

It would seem that the bread maker is specially designed for the preparation of different types of bakery products, so making a cake in it will not be difficult. But the recipe for this traditionally Russian dish is special, so there are many nuances when baking. For example, the cake is so rich and sweet that a very large amount of yeast is needed for the dough to rise.

There are recipes for making Easter cakes, specially adapted for a bread machine. But usually they indicate that granulated sugar should be taken at the rate of no more than 5 tablespoons per 400 grams of flour. This is not enough for a real Easter cake, so it is better to use the so-called sweet sugar: it is several times sweeter than ordinary sugar.

But do not buy a product with saccharin, it is better to take one that contains stevia extract, it is natural

Kneading the dough in a bread maker is much faster than manually kneading the dough, and this saves a lot of time. However, it is important to make sure that the flour is of high quality, otherwise the cake may come out too dense or, conversely, too crumbly, or even simply tasteless. It would be nice to bake test bread from the same flour before starting such a responsible business as cooking the main Easter dish.

All the ingredients for the cake must be laid at the same time. Just keep in mind that fresh yeast will not work, only dry, quick-acting yeast are used in the bread maker. During the cooking process, the dough comes up twice. Baking programs are different for different manufacturers. If your bread maker does not have a special one for sweet pastries or kulich, use the one with the longest kneading.

Easter cake recipe with cottage cheese

There are many recipes for Easter cakes, but the one with cottage cheese is still considered traditional. It can also be baked in a bread maker.

You will need:

– 600 grams of flour; – 220 grams of cottage cheese, always soft; – 3 eggs; – 2 tablespoons of milk powder; – 100 grams of raisins; – 2 tablespoons of butter (melted); – 2 teaspoons of yeast (dry); – 2 tablespoons of honey; – salt to taste; – vanilla to taste; – water.

Steam the raisins in boiling water, discard in a colander and dry. Break the eggs into a measuring cup, stir and add enough water to make 300 ml of liquid. Pour everything into the bowl of the bread machine, add cottage cheese, grated through a sieve or in a blender, milk powder, butter, yeast, honey and salt (a pinch).

When the cake is ready, pour it with protein, whipped with 100 grams of powdered sugar

Now turn on the kneading and baking mode so that it lasts 3 hours. At this time, sift 500 grams of flour through a sieve. See how the dough is kneaded. If it is sticky, add another 100-150 grams of flour and continue baking.

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