Easter 2019: what cannot be carried to church to consecrate

Not everything needs to be put into Easter baskets on the eve of Bright Sunday.

On Holy Saturday, April 27, on the eve of the most important holiday for Christians of the year, according to an old pious tradition, we will carry whole baskets of treats and other goods to the church – to consecrate them to the festive table. Tables for this are set up both inside and outside the temples, and there are usually so many people that the priests walk with holy water from early morning until evening, finishing the consecration just a couple of hours before the Divine Liturgy. And what they just do not have to see in these festive baskets besides, of course, traditional Easter cakes, Easter cakes, colored eggs and candles.

Wday.ru learned that not everything should be consecrated for the Easter feast at the Archpriest Dmitry Moiseev, rector of the Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and Princess Olga in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga Region.

1. Honey, apples, nuts

It is customary to consecrate them on other holidays – Honey, Apple and Nut Spas. This year they fall on 14, 19 and 29 August.

2. Fhands, vegetables, herbs

Like any other lean food. The Church does not prohibit their consecration for the festive table, but why? Throughout Great Lent, we already ate them, and for the holiday we want something non-fasting, meat and dairy. That is why we put something quick in our Easter baskets. However, if you supplemented them with apples or something so lean, there is no sin in this. There is simply no need either.

3. Blood sausage and meat

Christians are forbidden to eat the blood of animals, therefore, in principle, blood sausage is never blessed, so there is no question of sanctifying it. It is clear that we will not get rid of blood completely – no one calls to refuse the same uncooked steaks with blood, there is no need to go to extremes. This is not about eating meat with some amount of blood in general, but about making a product, the main component of which is blood. In this sense, lightly rare steaks are acceptable, but blood sausage is illegal. It is blessed to consecrate meat (raw or ready-made) for the festive table. However, according to the canons, it is impossible to bring it into the church, but outside it can be done. Fortunately, now almost all the consecrations also take place along the church fences.

4. The whole festive table

Everything that we will eat after the Easter service is not able to consecrate in the church. Here you should show rationality and put in the basket in addition to cakes, Easter and eggs, only a few dishes, symbolically.

5. Car keys, jewelry, other expensive items

Many people use Great Saturday to sanctify their personal belongings, but this is not worth doing: there are special rituals for this. It is better to go to the priest separately with such a request, and not to put the car keys on the sly in the basket. This will be more correct.


If for some reason you were unable to consecrate treats for Easter on Holy Saturday, you can do this immediately after the Easter Liturgy in most churches, where immediately after communion, a general fasting is held for all parishioners. Happy Holidays!

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