Easily overlooked sleep apnea

Most people with sleep apnea are unaware that they have sleep apnea, according to research from Philips, researchers at Twente University in the Netherlands and ApneuVereniging patient organization. The information was published on the website of the Dutch university.

A two-year study involving 4206 Philips employees from the Netherlands showed that 6,4 percent. of them suffered from sleep apnea, of which 78 percent. did not realize it. The researchers emphasize that this is the first study involving such a large number of people.

Due to frequent apnea (5 to even 30 per hour), the tissues do not receive enough oxygen, the blood pressure fluctuates and the heart rate increases. The result is tiredness and daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating while working, and getting angry quickly.

These symptoms are often attributed to a stressful lifestyle. However, it should be realized that sleep apnea increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, emphasize the authors of the analysis.

Sleep apnea is more dangerous than you might think. Thanks to increased awareness, patients and family doctors may be more alert to symptoms, which will result in faster implementation of treatment – says Dr. Michiel Eijsvogel from Medisch Spectrum Twente hospital (PAP).

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