Easier work in Poland for doctors and nurses from Ukraine. We are waiting for the law

For several days, an influx to Poland of people from Ukraine fleeing the country attacked by Our Country has been going on. Among them there are people who can find employment in Polish medical institutions. Such an offer was made by, among others Łukasz Szumowski, director of the National Institute of Cardiology. The Ministry of Health is working on facilitating the procedures, but we have not learned any details yet.

  1. Łukasz Szumowski wants to attract doctors from Ukraine who are fleeing aggression. – We will give them a job that we have, for which they were trained – he announces
  2. However, the current regulations on employing people from abroad in Polish medical institutions may be an obstacle. The Ministry of Health has announced their simplification
  3. We asked the ministry what the changes should consist of. Will it be a systemic solution, or will the heads of individual institutions be able to count on greater autonomy in making such decisions? We are waiting for answer
  4. However, you cannot take shortcuts when changing the law – emphasizes attorney Karol Kolankiewicz, a specialist in medical law
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage
  6. What’s going on in Ukraine? Follow the broadcast live

Szumowski: I invite doctors from Ukraine to work with us

Over a million people fleeing Ukraine have already been accepted in Poland. They include doctors and other healthcare professionals. In view of the progressing shortage of staff in the Polish system, more and more talk is about providing work for qualified employees from Ukraine. Such an initiative came from, among others prof. Łukasz Szumowski, former minister of health, and currently director of the National Institute of Cardiology.

Szumowski wants to attract doctors from Ukraine who are fleeing the aggression. We are open here and we wait for them. Therapists, diagnosticians – I invite these people to visit us. We will give them the job we have, for which they were trained – says Szumowski in an interview with Interia.

  1. Read also: forces took control of a psychiatric hospital in Ukraine

The former minister of health assures that he will do everything to enable them to start working legally in Poland. – This is an extremely dynamic situation. Some of the citizens of Ukraine work with us, we help them as part of the Institute of Cardiology. We also know that a huge crowd of people who took refuge in Poland from the invasion come to Poland, and some of them are medics. I invite them to myself, here, to the Institute – emphasizes prof. Szumowski.

The first steps have already been made. As he assured, work is underway to enable people from Ukraine to work “in compliance with legal norms”. – We will cooperate here with the self-governments of medical professions. Chamber of Medicine, Nursing and Physiotherapists – says Szumowski. – We will be in full contact on this matter. I think that we will develop a model that will secure these people, and at the same time will be safe from the legal point of view for us and for them – adds the former Minister of Health.

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Niedzielski: regulations will be changed

The current Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, referred to the topic during a recent press conference. He reminded that for some time a foreign doctor may be authorized to work in Poland under administrative procedure, without the need for nostrification. So far, over a thousand doctors have benefited from it, 600 of which come from Ukraine.

– We currently have a special simplified mode, although it is related to covid, it can be used. Nevertheless, regardless of this mode, we have indeed decided to take a step towards doctors or medical specialists who have fled Ukraine and want to work in Poland – said Niedzielski.

  1. See also: The war in Ukraine. What is happening in hospitals? In such conditions, [PHOTO] works

The minister assured that the regulations in this area would be changed and the possibilities for medics would be extended. Thanks to the changes, simplified procedures will apply not only to work in hospitals, but throughout the country. Doctors can also be employed in other – apart from covid – medical entities.

– It will be a regulation that will allow us not to be limited only to those hospitals or entities that fight the coronavirus, because this was the case in a special mode, but it will be possible to do it throughout the country – he added.

Provisions in this matter will be part of a package of provisions that will be introduced in the form of an act.

Lawyer: You can’t cut corners

Karol Kolankiewicz, President of the Management Board of the Institute – Healthcare Law Specialists, wrote to MedTvoiLokony regarding changes in the regulations regarding the employment of doctors from Ukraine in Polish facilities.

He stressed that “Everything must be done so that doctors and nurses from Ukraine can fully use their qualifications and skills, but at the same time that it is safe for patients and for the doctors and nurses themselves”.

  1. Find out more: A doctor from Ukraine working in Poland: I am devastated by this situation, my parents are there

In his opinion, the Ministry of Health should remember about four elements when hiring Ukrainian workers. These are: ensuring the learning of the Polish language, facilitating the familiarization with Polish regulations in health care, assistance in getting to know the “electronic” part of work and exercising supervision over a physician during the first few months of work in a given profession.

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As Kolankiewicz writes, “additional simplification of the possibility of working in the profession of a doctor or a nurse – in the absence of real cooperation with the health care sector – is a dangerous shortcut”. The advocate lists the risks that may result from improper preparation of foreigners to work in Polish institutions:

  1. danger for patients, in particular due to the lack / limited ability to communicate between the doctor and the patient or the lack of knowledge and observance of the patient’s rights,
  2. a threat to the health care system, in particular due to the lack of skills to work in the system financed by the National Health Fund or errors in the medical documentation kept in electronic form, e-prescriptions, e-referrals and others,
  3. criminal, civil and disciplinary liability of unprepared doctors / nurses from Ukraine, in particular for malpractice, violation of patient rights or errors in the settlement of benefits with the National Health Fund.

Also read:

  1. Doctor from Ukraine: I am sure that we will win together with our great friends from Poland
  2. Free medical assistance for people from Ukraine. Where can you find help?
  3. Perinatal help for women from Ukraine. Here you will find support [LIST]

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