Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Земляные пчелы имеют сходство с обычными, но насчитывают малочисленную популяцию, предпочитающую уединение в дикой природе. Вынуждены соседствовать с человеком в связи с ростом урбанизации.

Earthen bees: photo + description

Based on the name, it should be borne in mind that earth bees prefer to spend their time in the ground. They are taken out in garden plots, as they are capable of harming plantings, but insects are listed in the Red Book.


Bees are divided into species depending on color and lifestyle. They are united by their habitat: they prefer soil or shrubs, rather than trees.

Andrena-clarkella is a common species of earthen bees, characterized by a variety of colors. There are black, blue and orange individuals, ranging in size from 8 to 17 mm, with pubescence on the head and back.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Andrena magna, the habitat is the Black Sea coast, the species is listed in the Red Book. The length of the bee is 15-18 mm, it is black with purple wings, the back is yellow. There are dense hairs on the head and body.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Длинноусая пчела, распространена от Европы до Казахстана, имеет отличительную особенность – это способность сосуществования одновременно двух самок в гнезде. Особи средних размеров, серовато-желтого окраса с длинными усиками.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Galiktsfekodes, ubiquitous, similar in appearance to bees, but reddish or greenish in color. The size ranges from 5 to 15 mm.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Woolbeaters are small, well-fed bees that do not dig holes, but prefer to use ready-made ones. They are brown with yellow spots. A distinctive feature is the aggression of males to other insects.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Leaf cutter bees are solitary, equipping the nest using leaf plates. They have strong jaws but are unable to produce honey. They are under the protection of the Red Book of the Stavropol Territory.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Nomada: outwardly similar to honey bees, but practically pubescent, do not have a device for collecting pollen. Their second name is cuckoo bees: they do not build nests, but breed in other people’s nests, borrowing supplies.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Mellitids are a type of earthen bees, similar to honey bees. Nectar is collected only from Compositae representatives of the flora and legumes.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

The carpenter bee has a distinctive feature – it is the ability to buzz loudly. The insect is large in size, has blue wings with purple tints and dark blue eyes. Prefers a solitary existence.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of


There are more than 1500 subspecies. Many of them are monoviltine: capable of producing only one offspring per year. Some varieties produce 2 generations in a given period of time.

Difference of earthen bees:

  • small size: самки 1,8-2 см, самцы на несколько миллиметров меньше;
  • pubescence: густой меховой покров позволяет пчеле выжить в земляном гнезде (в нем холоднее, чем в улье);
  • color: insect wings with purple splashes, the head is more often dark shades (black or brown), the body color is diverse: there are individuals of green, orange or black shades.

The most important and basic difference is the desire to dig minks and build nests there.


The place of residence of the underground bee depends on the variety. The habitat is ubiquitous, with the exception of Oceania and South America.

They are able to settle not only in the wild, but also in garden plots. Often they perform the function of pollinators and do no harm to the garden. With non-interference in their lives, they are peaceful.

Do bees live in earthen burrows

Пчелы в земле не создают многочисленных колоний: определенные виды одиночки, другие предпочитают камерную жизнь.

The passage dug by the insect is no more than 80 cm long, but it is a network of semicircular tunnels, at the end of which are “cells”. They are intended for breeding and filling with honey.

The queen establishes a colony, which forms the future dwelling from a mink abandoned by a rodent.

To do this, she needs to do the following:

  • build a manhole from loose earth, moistening the soil with saliva;
  • line the “floor” of the hole with sheet plates;
  • lay eggs;
  • independently provide the larvae with nutrients until the offspring can independently obtain them.
Important! For an insect, the process of creating stocks is mandatory, which will prevent the death of young animals during natural disasters.

Such nectar in an earthen hive is conserved so that it does not lose its taste and healing qualities.

Features of reproduction

After arranging the nest, the queen equips wax chambers where she lays her eggs. Some varieties of earthen bees add grass fibers and crushed leaves to the cells.

As the laid larva begins to grow, the uterus enlarges the chamber so that the offspring can develop. As the young mature, the uterus dies. This is a characteristic feature of all earthen bees. The female of the Galiktsfedox variety is able to adapt to frost and other inclement weather conditions.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

The younger generation continues to develop and harvest honey, dig minks and protect their homes.

How to get honey from earthen bees

The life of the uterus is short, as she strives to do everything before the end of the year. The females bred in the last months of summer, as they grow older, will be engaged in the creation of new swarms and a supply of provisions.

Honey earthen bees in the following steps:

  • collection of nectar from flowers and plants;
  • processing and laying of material in honeycombs;
  • sealing honeycombs for the final ripening of honey.
Important! In underground hives, the honey storage is in the form of an oval, circle or pyramid.

It is possible to get a healing substance from a hole, but it is associated with a number of obstacles: an inconvenient arrangement of honeycombs, active resistance of bees.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Before the collection of insects is smoked out of the tunnels with smoke, and then the hole is destroyed. This method is barbaric: without a hive, earthen bees are left without a home and supplies, so the risk of their death is high.

Why are earthen bees dangerous?

Despite the benefits of being close to these representatives of insects, they prefer not to leave them in the garden.

This is due to the fact that, unlike honey-bearing counterparts, earthen individuals are distinguished by unpredictable behavior and can be regarded as an attack approaching their home.

In large numbers, the swarm leaves unsightly burrows, spoiling landscape design, preventing plant care, and nibbling leaf plates.

They pay special attention to carrots, celery, dill and onions. Underground bees are able to drink nectar from cucumbers.

A good reason to get rid of earthen bees in the area is the high risk of being stung.

How to get rid of earthen bees

There are various methods of cleaning the area from insects, safe for both humans and plants.

Safety measures

The optimal time for the procedure is before sunrise or after sunset, when all individuals return to the hive to spend the night.

Before fighting with earthen bees, all strangers are removed from the site and put on a protective suit. Be sure to wear a mask, rubberized gloves and thick clothing.

It is recommended to check for an allergic reaction to the poison before the procedure.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Important! If you are allergic to bee venom, you must ask another person to get rid of bees in the ground or invite specialists.

Several ways to get earthen bees out of the site

The safest method is to invite a special group. It will be necessary to indicate where the bees live in the ground, and leave the site. Workers will transfer the hive to the forest, or use specialized preparations that are not available for sale to people.

Common ways to get rid of earthen bees:

  • Filling the hole with boiling water: необходимо приготовить 10-15 л жидкости и залить ее в туннель. Это приведет к гибели насекомых.
  • Treatment with disinfectants: In case of an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of insects, they will purposefully attack people, so the use of funds gives a 100% result. Common remedies are Get, Delta zone.
  • Digging the soil: неглубоко расположенные норы можно уничтожить путем рыхления почвы. В случае глубоко спрятанного улья высок риск оставления в живых насекомых, которые будут нападать на человека.

One natural way to get rid of earthen bees is to plant lavender bushes. The smell of the plant is very unpleasant for insects that prefer to settle away from it.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

Preventive works

To avoid the sting of an earthen bee, it is recommended to work on the site in closed clothing. You should not actively wave your arms, shout loudly.

Abundantly flowering and smelling plants are a beacon for earthen bees, so it is recommended to refuse them.

To prevent the return of the swarm, it is recommended to plant lemon balm bushes around the perimeter of the garden.

Earth bees: photo, how to get rid of

First aid for bites

При успешной атаке пчелой следует оказать пострадавшему медицинскую помощь. Наличие аллергической реакции – это причина незамедлительного обращения в лечебное учреждение.

Assistance at home:

  • the wound is examined and the sting is removed;
  • cold is applied to the bite site to combat swelling and pain;
  • the affected area is treated with Prednisolone or garlic, onions.

При возможности рекомендуется сделать примочку из нашатырного спирта, разведенного в холодной кипяченой воде в пропорциях 1:5.

Обязательно применение антигистаминных средств: Супрастин, Зиртек или Диазолин.

Difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and throat, heart palpitations are symptoms that require qualified assistance. The victim takes an antihistamine and is immediately sent to the hospital.


Ground bees are insects that are beneficial to the ecosystem, but their presence in the garden is a threat to humans. Peaceful coexistence is possible, but there is no guarantee that the insect will not attack. Timely disposal of bees and the prevention of their appearance is a guarantee of the preservation of the site and the gardener’s peace of mind.

Collecting honey from wild earthen bees! earthen wild bee

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