Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Growing tomatoes in your own greenhouse has a number of advantages, the main of which is the ability to harvest vegetables throughout the year. That is why many gardeners pay great attention to the selection of varieties for planting. Most make their choice in favor of early types of tomatoes, which allow you to get the first harvest after three months from the moment the first shoots appear.

Blagovest F1

A variety of tomatoes for greenhouses, which has long proven itself among gardeners. This type of tomato is characterized by a high degree of yield. Such fruits are distinguished by a beautiful regular shape, have a rich red color and excellent taste.Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best These early ripe tomatoes allow you to wait for the first vegetables in the period from 95 to 105 days. As practice shows, about 6 kg of fruit usually ripens on one bush of culture. He loves careful care, according to all the rules.

One of the obvious numerous advantages of Blagovest can be safely called a strong immunity to diseases and pests that can interfere with the normal development of the plant.

Representatives of this variety are classified as determinant crops, their height can reach 1 – 5 m, and fruit weight – from 1 to 7 grams. It is customary to sow the seeds of this tomato variety in mid-March, and the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse in a month and a half.

Volgograd early maturing 323

Another excellent variety of tomatoes for growing in your own greenhouse. It is a determinant vegetable crop. It has flat-rounded ribbed red fruits that can weigh from 80 to 100 grams. From each bush in a season, you can easily collect about 8 kg of fruit. The harvest period falls on 100 – 110 days from the moment the sprouts appear.Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

This plant has a compact size, unpretentious to the conditions of detention. If we talk about the chemical composition of fruits, then such tomatoes contain approximately 5 – 86% of dry matter and 6% of sugar. In each brush, about 2-3 fruits can appear in this variety of tomatoes. Excellent for making healthy salads and making winter rolls, it tolerates long-distance transportation and has a long shelf life if certain requirements are met.

Buddy F1

The next tomato variety for greenhouses also belongs to the determinant type of vegetable crops, its bushes can grow up to 70 cm in height. The fruit ripening period falls on 95-100 days from the moment the first shoots appear from the soil. This variety of tomatoes is characterized by the presence of fruits of a flat-round shape, which are red in color and slightly ribbed. Their weight is from 85 to 100 grams.

The features of this variety for greenhouses can rightfully be called high yields – in a season, up to 7 kg of beautiful fruits can be harvested from one square meter, it has good resistance to various kinds of diseases, and has the ability to endure low temperatures. Due to its exquisite taste, it is often used in salads, and is also quite suitable for home preservation.Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Hummingbirds F1

Representatives of this indeterminate greenhouse tomato variety belong to the “cream” type due to their shape. They ripen quite early – after only 75 days. This type of tomato is most often grown in two or three stems, about 8 – 10 fruits are formed on the brush, the average weight of which is 160 – 170 grams. They have a red color with a beautiful tint and excellent taste characteristics.

Hummingbird F1 has increased immunity to such dangerous diseases as verticillium and fusarium wilt, tobacco mosaic, nematodes, brown spot. Excellent looks in salads, thanks to a dense skin easily transfers transportation.

Master F1

This greenhouse tomato hybrid is great for growing indoors. It has an early ripening period – somewhere around 90 – 100 days it is already possible to harvest. Vegetable crops can grow up to one and a half meters. As for the fruits, they are characterized by a rounded shape, slightly flat sides, as well as a rather dense pulp and skin, which, among other things, has some ribbing.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

They have a pleasant rich taste, and the weight of such tomatoes can be about 180 – 200 grams. They show a high degree of productivity – in practice, about 6 – 7 kg of juicy beautiful fruits can be harvested from one bush per season. The variety has excellent immunity to diseases and is well stored if the proper conditions are created for vegetables.

Typhoon F1

An indeterminate hybrid of the standard type, which can grow to a height of up to 220 cm. It requires a mandatory garter to special trellises. Approximately 99 – 117 days pass before the first harvest period. Such tomatoes for greenhouses have an excellent taste, have a rounded shape and red color.

They can weigh from 35 to 60 grams. Under the condition of industrial cultivation, the yield of this variety can be approximately 8 – 9 kg per square meter. Fruits are well stored and adequately transfer transportation on long distances. The variety has good resistance not only to late blight, which is so dangerous for tomatoes, but also to other diseases.Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: a list of the best

Hurricane F1

An excellent variety for greenhouses, which is characterized by an early period of fruit appearance – after 90 – 110 days from the moment you notice the first shoots of future tomatoes. This type of tomato is indeterminate, it needs a timely garter, since it can reach a height of about 150 cm. Also, the bushes will need molding in the future. Inflorescences appear on a vegetable crop, the number of which can be 6 – 8 pieces.

If we talk about fruits, then in this type of tomato they have a pleasant red color, are inside 2 or 3-chambered, their shape is flat-round, and the skin is usually smooth. The yield of this variety in industrial cultivation can be from 8 to 10 kg per square meter. Mature fruits can weigh about 45 – 90 grams. The variety has good immunity to diseases such as late blight and some others. It is well stored at home, when transported over long distances, it perfectly retains its shape and taste.

Video “How to choose a tomato variety”

On the recording, a man talks about which varieties of tomatoes are suitable for growing in a greenhouse, and which ones are not.

Varieties of tomatoes for growing in a greenhouse

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