Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Everyone loves carrots. Not only to eat, but also to grow. This biennial plant is considered a highly profitable vegetable crop. A good yield allows you to grow root crops for fresh consumption, freezing, processing, harvesting, canning and storage. Many varieties do not lose their nutritional value and taste until early spring. In recent years, gardeners have given preference to the seeds of carrots of the Dutch selection.

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Dutch breeders are considered among the best producers of vegetable crops. Seeds of well-known brands are distinguished by their versatility, fast and high-quality germination, and vegetables:

  • high productivity;
  • disease resistance;
  • excellent taste;
  • high quality trade dress.

Carrot varieties from Holland stand out among domestic seeds precisely because of their attractive appearance and juiciness. Carrots are grown in three types – early ripening, medium ripening and late. In addition, any of the species differs in:

  1. The shape and length of the roots.
  2. yield levels.
  3. The content of vitamins, sugars and carotene.

In recent years, hybrids or hybrid seeds have gained particular popularity. These are species obtained by controlled crossing of two selected varieties. They are selected according to certain indicators that a hybrid should have. Main Features of Hybrid Carrot Seeds:

  • high percentage of germination;
  • genetic similarity;
  • unusual shape and color of fruits;
  • high keeping quality and excellent presentation.

Hybrid seeds are bred to fully meet the needs of gardeners. This takes into account all the requirements that apply to a particular culture. For carrots, the percentage of germination is very important, because usually the seeds sit in the ground for a long time. Also shelf life. Fresh root vegetables are extremely in demand in winter to replenish the supply of vitamins and carotene for the body.

Agronomists believe that half of the harvest directly depends on the quality of the seeds. Dutch carrot seeds are considered the most productive and sustainable. The quality of the crop is not affected by weather conditions, the crop is almost not damaged by pests and tolerates drought or lower temperatures without loss. The best of the Dutch manufacturers are such firms as Syngenta, Monsanto, Nunems. But, even the most proven varieties of carrots from Holland need to be sown in prepared soil, watered and loosened the soil, and monitored for plant growth. To determine the choice of variety for your site, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the main names of Dutch carrots.

Early varieties

“The Bureau”

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Super early Dutch carrot. The variety has gained popularity for:

lack of a core;

  • harmonious appearance of root crops;
  • excellent taste;
  • plant resistance to shooting.

The first crop is harvested within 60 days after germination. This is the so-called beam carrot, for its production the seeds are sown already in March. Depending on the sowing period, the crop is obtained from May to October. The variety is suitable for winter sowing (October-November). Root crops are completely immersed in the soil, have a flat smooth surface, reach a length of up to 20 cm and a weight of 250 g. The color is intense orange. The features of the variety include disease resistance, high stable yield, storage capacity (up to 4 months). Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 2,5 cm in grooves about 5 cm wide. The variety is demanding on competent watering. Needs its regularity and moderation. Designed for greenhouses and open ground.

“Red Core”

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Another early variety. Belongs to the Shantane type. Maturity of root crops occurs 70-85 days after the appearance of full shoots. Carrots with intense orange color, juicy pulp. The shape of the root crops is conical, the size is small (up to 15 cm). The tops of the plant are powerful and healthy. Recommended for early production and storage. In order for root crops to withstand the winter period well, winter sowing should be carried out. For early harvest – spring. Grade Benefits:

  • high-yielding;
  • quality trade dress;
  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • resistance to shooting and diseases;
  • does not accumulate nitrates with proper fertilization.

Used fresh and for processing.

Middle varieties of Holland


Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Mid-season high-quality carrots of the Dutch producers. Ripening period 100-110 days. Root crops are even, cylindrical, very attractive. They grow up to 20 cm in length and weigh 100-150 g. The flesh is orange with excellent taste and a high degree of juiciness. The variety is valued for:

  • suitability for freezing and processing;
  • resistance to arming;
  • the possibility of mechanical cleaning;
  • high stable yield;
  • good keeping quality.

The taste is excellent, the variety is suitable for dietary nutrition.


Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

One of the highest yielding medium varieties. Harvesting is carried out 120 days after germination. Root crops are smooth and large with a pointed tip, reach a length of 23 cm and gain weight up to 250 g. Carrots are perfectly pulled out of the ground, which reduces the possibility of damage. The core and flesh are the same bright orange color. Peculiarities:

  • resistance to cracking and breaking of fruits;
  • perfectly stored (up to 8 months);
  • productivity is maintained on all types of soil (up to 6,5 kg / sq.m).

Sowing seeds is carried out from the end of April without soaking. All seeds are processed by the manufacturer. Seeding depth no more than 2 cm. Suitable for winter sowing, which is carried out from the end of October. Be sure to carry out thinning of seedlings and weeding. The variety does not tolerate stagnant water, therefore, it requires loosening and normalized watering. For long-term storage, it is necessary to observe the temperature and humidity conditions in the room.

Middle-late and late “Dutch”


Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

An excellent variety that retains its taste and commercial qualities for a long time. It is valued for its high percentage of carotene content, pleasant taste, unpretentiousness to growing conditions. Technical maturity occurs 115-130 days after germination. The mass of root crops ranges from 100 to 160 g, the average length is 15 cm. Suitable for fresh use, canning, freezing and processing. Deep orange flesh. The yield reaches 3,8 kg per 1 sq. m of landing area.

Advice! Optimum time for sowing: end of April – beginning of May. Seeds are sown in rows with a row spacing of 20 cm to a depth of 1 cm.

“Vita Longa”

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

A well-known mid-late, high-yielding and beloved by many gardeners variety. “Vita Longa” is known for its keeping quality, preservation of taste and nutritional qualities during storage. It grows well on any soil without fear of reducing yields. Proper feeding helps to increase the number of root crops. The variety has good resistance to diseases and pests, which makes it very advantageous when grown in small areas.

Root crops do not crack, retain their presentation for a long time. Excellent taste, high percentage of carotene content, juicy pulp make the variety very common. Fruit length 25-30 cm, weight 250 g. Technical maturity occurs 115 days after germination. The crop is harvested from mid-July to October, depending on the sowing time. Seeds are sown according to the scheme 20×4 cm, planting depth 2 cm. The yield of the variety is up to 7 kg per 1 sq.m.

Hybrids of the Dutch selection

Among Dutch carrots, hybrids are highly valued. This is due to the set of qualities that root crops possess. There are a lot of popular species, so hybrid varieties of carrots have their own catalogs and detailed descriptions.

«Laguna F1»

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Early maturing hybrid with a cylindrical form of root crops. Variety type Nantes. Technical maturity occurs after 80 days. Deep orange flesh with a very small core. The fruits are 18-20 cm long and cylindrical in shape. The average weight of one carrot is 135 g. Seeds are sown according to the scheme 15×4 cm with a depth of up to 2 cm. It likes loose sandy soil with good lighting. Grade Benefits:

  • disease resistance;
  • excellent taste;
  • suitability for baby and diet food;
  • good yield (6,8 kg per 1 sq. m).

Designed for outdoor cultivation. Used fresh.

“Bangor F1”

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

Mid-season high-yielding hybrid (sortotype Berlikum). The crop is harvested 110 days after full emergence. Considered the most productive. Root crops are heavy (up to 400 g), long (22 cm) with a blunt tip. They have excellent taste and pleasant color.

Carrots are distinguished by a high percentage of carotene, suitability for mechanical harvesting and long-term storage. Suitable for fresh consumption, freezing, processing and canning. The hybrid is very resistant to disease, blooming, cracking and brittleness. The peculiarity of the variety is that before sowing, be sure to moisten the soil well and not thicken the plants. Demanding for loosening, watering and nutrition. It is considered a universal hybrid for regions with a warm climate.

“Coltan F1”

Early varieties of carrots of the Dutch selection

One of the new hybrids of late ripening (up to 140 days). It belongs to the Flacchian-Nantes type. Intended for fresh use and processing, well stored. Root crops are even, heavy (up to 200 g) and long (22 cm). The shape of root crops depends on the density of sowing. With a rarefied density, they have a conical shape; with a high density, they have a cylindrical shape. Hybrid features:

  • excellent resistance to alternariosis and downy mildew;
  • good keeping quality (up to 7 months);
  • high percentage of carotene content;
  • the possibility of mechanized cleaning;
  • sustainable fruiting in all types of soil.

Recommendations for cultivation – sowing is carried out on the ridges.


Carrots of the Dutch selection give an excellent harvest, subject to the cultivation technology. This is especially important in large areas and in farms. All varieties exactly match the description, have excellent taste and presentation. Growing carrots of Dutch varieties is easy enough even for beginner gardeners.

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