Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. They can appear as early as forty [INFOGRAPHICS]

Alzheimer’s disease is the progressive death of nerve cells in the brain resulting in gradual cognitive decline. Although the disease worsens after the age of 65, the first symptoms may appear much earlier. What should worry us?

There are 300 in Poland. people affected by Alzheimer’s disease. In the world – even 50 million, often at an advanced stage, with very limited contact with the world. Scientists have found that the disease may be favored by, inter alia, overweight, hypertension, stress, depression, diabetes.

It is worth knowing the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in order to react in time, start treatment and overcome the difficulties in functioning that this ailment brings. Both for the patient and his family.

Read also:

  1. We diagnose Alzheimer’s disease in Poland after 24 months. Experts: It’s too late
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