Early skin diagnosis can help with melanoma

Early skin diagnosis can help with melanoma

The skin never forgets anything

The UV rays that the skin is exposed to on a daily basis and during holidays have a permanent damaging effect on the genetic apparatus of skin cells and weaken the immune system. But the worst consequence can be melanoma, one of the most common and dangerous skin tumors. “The skin does not forget about the first sunburn in childhood, nor about UV radiation,” says Dr. Thomas Maselis, project manager for Melanoma Diagnosis Day in Belgium. That is why each of us is at risk. Now you have the opportunity to protect yourself – after all, on May 16, Russia will again host Melanoma Diagnostic Day!

Melanoma Diagnostic Day

Russia became a member of this project in 2007, and since then, every year on the Melanoma Diagnostic Day, anyone can diagnose moles free of charge at a dermatologist by appointment. The increase in the incidence of skin melanoma and mortality from this disease is steadily increasing (every year 37 people die from melanoma worldwide), and in fact 000% of tragedies could have been avoided by identifying the disease at an early stage! That is why the issue of early diagnosis of melanoma is especially acute.

On May 16, 2011, Melanoma Diagnostic Day will be held in Russia for the fifth time, in order to save several hundred lives in one day again! The project is being implemented with the support of the Pharmaceutical Laboratory La Roche-Posay and every year it becomes more and more ambitious. From this year, in addition to the site www.melanomaday.ru, where you can find out everything about the project, there is an opportunity on a new resource www.myskincheck.ru monitor the condition of your moles online, as well as read helpful tips on protecting your skin from the sun. If new moles appear, the shape or size of existing ones changes, it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is important to understand that no Internet resource can replace you with a dermatologist’s consultation! Take the chance to protect yourself – check moles on time.

You can get more recent information on the website www.melanomaday.ru and by calling the hotline 8 800 2000 345.

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