Early Kyiv peach: planting and care

The birthplace of such a beautiful fruit as a peach is China, today this country ranks first in its industrial cultivation. Now it is possible to grow a peach tree in our climate, the main thing is to take into account all the features of the variety, choose the right soil and provide the culture with normal care and conditions. One of the best for planting in Our Country can be called a peach variety, which has the name Kyiv early, about the appearance, advantages and features of which we will describe in this article.


In ancient China, peach varieties were few, such a tree was considered a symbol of purity and longevity. There was a tradition according to which a branch of a blossoming peach tree was brought as a gift to girls getting married. The peach is a woody plant, reaching a height of up to 8 meters and is a relative of the almond tree. This is a rather thermophilic and capricious culture that does not tolerate frost. The choice of a peach variety must be approached responsibly, since the cultivation of this fruit tree requires suitable climatic conditions and a lot of effort expended.

Variety Kyiv early is one of the artificially bred and adapted to the climate. The fruits of such a tree can be tasted already in the first half of summer. Early Kyiv is an attractive variety not only for gardeners, but also for entrepreneurs who have adapted to grow it in the Crimea and other regions, where it is already warm with the onset of spring. This early-growing peach variety was bred by specialists from the Institute of Horticulture of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences by crossing Gross Mignon and Kashchenko in 1939. The breeders who worked on its breeding are A.P. Rodionov, I.A. Sheremet, B.I. Shablovskaya.Early Kyiv peach: planting and careKyiv early is a medium-sized fruit tree that has a beautiful spreading crown in the shape of a ball. During the fruiting period, this type of peach enters the third year from the moment of planting, and the fruits appear on shoots of a mixed type, that is, this variety needs fruit formation. If we talk more about the description of peach fruits, then they have a rounded, rarely flat, shape, you can see the so-called beaks, the mass of each fruit can be about 100 g. The skin of a light yellow hue is also characteristic of peach fruits, sometimes you can see a striped blush . The flesh is greenish-white in color and tastes very juicy.Early Kyiv peach: planting and care

If we talk about the composition of the fruits of this variety, then they contain 9% sugars, about 4% organic acids. The stone of the fruit has an elongated shape, sharp at the ends, it is characterized by convolutions, and it is quite difficult to separate it from the pulp. This can be done only in certain years of harvesting from fruit trees. Fruit ripening of this peach variety can be expected three months after flowering (mostly in August), and it bears fruit within 0-9 years from the date of planting on the site.

As practice shows, about 30 – 50 kg of fruits can be harvested from one tree.

Advantages of the variety

Since this peach variety is industrial, it will not be difficult to get its high-quality seedlings today. After the acquisition, it is only necessary to properly plant a tree on the site and, at first, to get used to it, devote maximum time. This type of peach, like most others, is quite demanding on climatic conditions.Early Kyiv peach: planting and care

It requires not too dry, and not too wet soil. The main advantages of the variety can be called its high yield and excellent resistance to troubles such as clasterosporium and powdery mildew. Although it is recommended to be planted in central Our Country due to poor frost tolerance, it recovers quite quickly after harsh winters, so there is no need to uproot a fruit tree immediately after being hit by cold.


All gardeners will definitely need recommendations on proper planting and caring for an early peach variety Kyiv. Its seeds must be planted at harvest time, as a rule, this time falls in September. Early Kyiv peach: planting and careSeedlings can be expected in May next year. When choosing a site for planting, you need to pay attention to its illumination. The distance between the trees when planting should ideally be about three meters. It is recommended to grow seedlings in a school for about a year, after which they are planted on the site together with the ground. Holes for trees are prepared in the summer. For fertilizer, you need to use one and a half buckets of chicken or two buckets of rotted cow manure, adding half a bucket of ash to them, mix it all with plant soil and then pour water.

An important role in the cultivation and care of peach trees is the process of crown molding. For this, when shoots grow from seedlings, from the three branches of which you can already form a bush. Since fruiting can be expected for about three years, in the spring the branches must be cut at the level of the root collar. During the summer period, a new shoot grows, from which it is necessary to form a bush in August, leaving about 5 – 8 normally developed branches. It is recommended to check the condition of skeletal branches and stems annually. If affected by frost or disease are found, they should be mercilessly removed.Early Kyiv peach: planting and care

For fruiting, we advise you to leave 4 – 5 branches and to replace 2 – 3 annuals. Thus, by performing this care procedure, it is possible to carry out a complete rejuvenation of each bush in three years. For proper peach care, nitrogen fertilizers, such as ammonium sulfate, should also be applied in the spring. The amount of fertilizer is about 30 – 40 grams per square meter. In the second half of summer, it is necessary to fertilize with the help of a mineral complex, which includes 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of potassium sulfate and 60 g of superphosphate. An obligatory measure for the care of this crop is also the mulching of tree trunks with compost, sawdust, humus, and dry grass.

Saplings should also be provided with sufficient watering – during the summer they need to be watered about 5 – 6 times so that water penetrates the soil by 40 – 50 cm. can be watered normally. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the earth.Early Kyiv peach: planting and care You should also whitewash the trunks in late autumn to protect the trees from the sun, frost and pests. It is impossible to cover such trees with materials for the winter, since the normal access of air is blocked, and cultures are able to uproot. Also, in order to protect against diseases, fruit plants must be treated with special solutions. In early spring, diesel fuel with soap is well suited; such a solution can be easily prepared independently. And after flowering, treatment with Bordeaux liquid is carried out. During fruit ripening, to a solution that consists of 10 liters of water, 50 g of soda ash, 10 g of boric acid, 20 g of copper sulfate, 1 g of manganese, 10 drops of food (it is used after flowering), you can add herbal infusions – such as tansy, chamomile, celandine and others.

Video “Peach Care”

The video is dedicated to the care of such a fruit tree as a peach. After watching the recording, you will learn how to properly care for this tree so that you have a good peach harvest every year.

Self-agronomist Peach care

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