Early grape varieties: Russian early

Early grape varieties: Russian early

Early grape varieties are very popular with Russian gardeners. Among them, the Russian variety can be distinguished. If you are considering whether to purchase this type of berry, then you will be interested to learn more about it.

Description of Russian early grapes

The early Russian grape is a table variety. Because of the specific caramel taste, it is popularly called candy. To decorate vines, grapes are often planted near various buildings that serve as a support for the shoots. The bushes are characterized by vigorous growth, the branches are able to withstand the heavy weight of the bunches.

Early Russian grapes are frost-resistant varieties.

The main digital characteristics of the variety include:

  • berry weight – 6 g;
  • bunch length – 20 cm;
  • bunch weight – 400 g;
  • ripening period – 110 days.

The maximum yield is 25 kg. The berry is dark pink in color, seedless, spherical in shape and excellent withstand transportation. The plant is famous for its frost resistance and high yield.

The best place to land is on the south side of the building. The soil on which the grapes will grow should not be waterlogged. The procedure must be carried out in the fall so that the plant can take root well.

During landing, you should act according to the algorithm:

  1. Prepare a hole with a depth and diameter of 0,8 m.
  2. Water the soil abundantly once a week for a month.
  3. After preparation, immerse the seedling in the hole along with the earthen clod.
  4. Fill the hole with the remaining earth.

Be sure to moisten the soil after the procedure.

Care for the early Russian grape variety includes the following components:

  • moisturizing;
  • pruning;
  • top dressing.

Let’s take a closer look at each item.

Moisturizing the plant must begin from the moment the buds open. Warm water is suitable for the procedure. Further, watering is carried out no more than once a month. During the ripening of the crop, moisture cannot be carried out. Before the onset of cold weather, you should water the grapes abundantly.

Full pruning can be done after the bush is lignified. Up to this point, you just need to remove the dried branches. The main purpose of pruning is to prevent unnecessary stress on the branch. One shoot should not have more than three brushes.

Top dressing is carried out in spring and autumn. In the first case, nitrogen fertilizers are suitable. They accelerate the growth of shoots. Before the onset of cold weather, fertilizing with complex fertilizers should be carried out.

If you decide to plant this grape variety on your site, then be sure to use the above recommendations. It is not difficult to follow them, but the result in the quality of a high yield will delight you for many years.

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