Early garden perennial flowers

With the onset of spring, everyone is waiting for the first flowers to appear. Unfortunately, some of them begin to bloom very late, in summer or closer to autumn. Therefore, it is most pleasant to observe the flowering of the earliest garden flowers. They seem to enliven everything around, bringing bright colors into our lives. Some early flowers are perennials, which means that once planted, it will be possible to enjoy the beauty of the buds for many years. Most importantly, choose the right types of flowers for you, which are easy to care for and bloom throughout the spring. This article contains information on many varieties of early flowers. We are sure that among them there will definitely be those who will not leave you indifferent.

Early garden perennial flowers

Early bulbous flowers

Bulbs are one of the most popular flowers in our flower beds. This is a numerous and very common species, whose representatives boast the earliest flowering. It is necessary to plant such plants on your site in the fall, and in the spring you can admire beautiful flowers. Moreover, the earlier spring begins in your region, the earlier the buds will appear. Now it is worth considering in more detail which bulbs are the earliest for our area.

Snowdrop or galanthus

These beautiful flowers got their name because of the ability to germinate as soon as the snow begins to melt. These are the earliest flowers that delight us with their flowering from the first days of March. In some areas they bloom later, in others earlier, but they are still the very first spring flowers. On their plots, snowdrops should be planted in places that resemble the forest where they usually live. For example, you can place these flowers near bushes and trees.

Attention! When planting snowdrops near trees, choose only those that bloom late and will not create shade.

If you still want to grow snowdrops in a flower bed, do not forget that they bloom for a very short time, after which they immediately wither and die. Snowdrops are ephemeroids, which is why their growing season is very short.

Early garden perennial flowers

In the spring, after the snowdrops have faded, the bulbs are divided, and in the fall you can start planting. These flowers grow very quickly, so they just need to be thinned out from time to time. Also, snowdrops can independently spread throughout the garden. The fact is that the ants pick up the seeds that have fallen into the soil and carry them around the site. Therefore, do not be surprised if snowdrops appear where you did not plant them.


Not all crocuses are early flowers. The following species usually bloom first:

  • tommazines;
  • golden-flowered crocus;
  • crocus impera;
  • Ancyra crocus.

Some of these species, depending on the climatic conditions of the region, may begin to bloom even at the end of February. A little later, Dutch large-flowered hybrids bloom. Such varieties have more lush flowers and a bright color. They look very impressive and immediately attract attention.

You can grow these flowers anywhere. They feel great both in flower beds and under trees or bushes. They are often planted along borders or in the lawn. And some like to grow crocuses right on their balcony. These flowers grow well both outdoors and in containers.

Early garden perennial flowers

Crocuses should also be planted in the fall. They tolerate scattered shade well, so choosing a place to plant them will not be difficult. Both the sunny side and a place near shrubs or buildings will do. Growing these flowers is quite easy, since the rhizomes do not need to be dug up every year and then buried again. This should be done only when you yourself want to separate the nests.

Important! For planting early crocuses, baskets should be used. The fact is that rodents are very fond of this plant and can damage the bulbs.

Muscari (mouse hyacinth)

These flowers are simply breathtaking. In addition, they are very easy to grow, as the plant is completely picky about conditions and care. It grows rapidly, and every year there will be more and more flowers. There are a lot of types of these flowers, and not all of them are considered early. But most muscari bloom already in early April.

They begin to plant these flowers in the fall, and the next year you can expect the appearance of “babies”. Due to such rapid reproduction, these early plants can decorate the entire area in a short time. Keep in mind that once you plant muscari, you are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of them if you suddenly want to. Digging up small bulbs is quite difficult. Some small “children” will still remain in the soil and will germinate with the onset of spring. To avoid difficulties with transplanting plants, you should plant muscari in special baskets that you can make yourself. Then, if you want to transplant the flowers to another flower bed or just dig it out, it will be much easier to do.

Early garden perennial flowers

Advice! You can build baskets for bulbs from ordinary plastic bottles by making drainage holes in them.

Muscari can be planted alone somewhere in the garden or near the borders. But they look best in combination with other early colors. Therefore, they are often used for group plantings. You can also combine muscari with flowers that bloom in different periods. Such a flower bed will always remain beautiful and bright.

Iris reticulata or iridodictium

Iridodictium is a separate genus, which in its appearance is very similar to irises. These small flowers belong to bulbous plants. Reticulated iris grows no more than 10 cm in height. Despite such a small size, it is simply impossible not to notice these flowers. They are very attractive and graceful.

Attention! Iridodictiums should be planted in open ground in early autumn.

These flowers are very fond of sunny areas. Therefore, you should not choose a place for them near trees or buildings. Iridodictiums are also ephemeroids, so immediately after flowering the plants will begin to die off. Reticulated iris blooms very early, depending on climatic conditions, this period begins at the end of March or in April. It likes light sandy soils that do not contain much moisture. Used for growing alone and in combination with other bulbous flowers. Iridodictiums look great on lawns and in flower beds. Many people like to plant these flowers in containers and grow them right on their windowsill or balcony.

Early garden perennial flowers

Some gardeners argue that as soon as the iris begins to die off, it should be dug up. Bulbs of these flowers must be stored in well-ventilated, dry areas. They must be completely protected from direct sunlight.

Vesennik or erantis

Vesennik is one of the earliest plants in our gardens. Its golden flowers delight the eye and give a wonderful spring mood. The first buds appear already at the end of March or at the beginning of April. He is very hardy and is not afraid of even spring frosts.

Vesennik is quite low (about 10 cm), and the flowers themselves can reach up to 2,5 cm in diameter. Most often, the plant is grown along with other early flowers. For example, the spring plant complements flower beds with snowdrops and crocuses very well.

Early garden perennial flowers

Vesennik can grow anywhere. The main thing is that it should be slightly shaded. The most familiar environment for this plant is the forest. Therefore, flowers feel very good under trees and shrubs.

Important! The soil for growing springweed should not be too wet or dry. It is very picky about the level of soil moisture.

Proleska or scilla

The most common representative of this species is the Siberian blueberry. It blooms towards the end of March. Its bell-shaped flowers are sky blue in color. There are also varietal sprouts, which are often found in white.

These flowers are unpretentious to the conditions and care. They can grow both in sunny areas and in a completely shaded flower bed. The most important condition for good growth and flowering of blueberries is soil moisture. The soil should not be very dense in order to easily absorb moisture. Spillage especially needs water during the flowering period.

Early garden perennial flowers

Important! Do not overfill the flowers, as they do not tolerate stagnation.

This flower reproduces very quickly. It grows with the help of daughter bulbs, and also propagates by seeds. Sometimes this process happens so rapidly that it has to be controlled. Scilla is best grown in the garden as it is a wild plant.

early herbaceous flowers

Herbaceous perennials are far from the most common group. However, these flowers have a beautiful appearance and deserve a place on our sites.


These flowers are able to stay green and fresh for a long time. The hellebore has a high resistance to diseases and is unpretentious to the conditions. The flowering of this plant often coincides with the period of the Easter holidays, which is why it received the name “Christ’s rose”.

Early garden perennial flowers

To date, there are about 20 types of hellebore. At home, hybrid varieties are most often grown that bloom from the beginning of April. The variety of hellebore colors is simply amazing. They can be white, red, yellow and pink. The variety of bright purple color has won the greatest popularity. It is customary to plant hellebore in the spring, although in warm regions it is possible in the fall. You can start planting this herbaceous plant immediately after the soil warms up.


Scientists have a huge number of species of primrose (at least 550). But unfortunately, only a few of them are grown at home. You can plant primroses both from seeds and by purchasing ready-made seedlings. They are very easy to divide and transplant, as these flowers easily take root in a new place. Some flower growers note that even flowering plants easily tolerate transplantation.

Attention! Primroses from flower shops can look much better than those from gardeners on the market.

The reason for this is the use of growth stimulants, without which in the future the flowers will no longer bloom so actively.

It is most reliable to purchase seedlings from gardeners or ask your friends who grow primroses at home. Such flowers are more adapted to the soil without growth stimulants.

Early garden perennial flowers

The flowering period for primroses begins in April, and in the southern regions at the end of March. A lot of flowers are formed, and towards the end of summer, the primrose can bloom again. These flowers are suitable for growing in flower beds and lawns. They are often planted in containers on balconies or loggias.


This plant always stays green and even under snow in winter it keeps the foliage fresh. Young shoots appear immediately after the snow begins to melt. Periwinkle begins to bloom in April. The flowers of this plant are small, has a pale blue hue.

At home, most often I grow a varietal periwinkle, which was bred from the wild-growing Periwinkle Small. Such varieties can have not only the blue color that is familiar to us, but also white, red or lilac. There are even plants with double flowers. Foliage may also vary. Traditional varieties have green leaves, but among the hybrids you can also see variegated colors with white and yellow patterns.

Early garden perennial flowers

These flowers love moderately moist soil and lightly shaded areas. It is not desirable that the periwinkle be exposed to direct sunlight. In principle, these are all the basic rules in growing periwinkle. The plant spreads rapidly throughout the area. For propagation, you can use both cuttings and divided roots. Having bought only one periwinkle seedling, you will soon receive a whole flower garden from this beautiful plant.

Important! Planting periwinkle is advised in April or May. Although throughout the summer the plant can easily take root in your area.


This list can be continued endlessly. Of course, in one article it is impossible to list all the early garden flowers. In addition, there are a huge number of varieties of early tulips and hyacinths, as well as other equally beautiful flowers. Unfortunately, it is impossible to plant all types of flowers known to us on our site. We have to be content with only a few of our favorite varieties. Someone likes crocuses and irises more, someone is crazy about snowdrops, while others cannot imagine their life without tulips. In any case, flowers fill our lives with colors and give a feeling of joy.

First spring flowers

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