Early exit from maternity leave to your workplace: sample application

Early exit from maternity leave to your workplace: sample application

A young mother has the right to leave maternity leave at any time. Moreover, she can expect that during pregnancy a place will be assigned to her, and she will not be fired or demoted. To return to work ahead of time, it is necessary to bring an appropriate application to the accounting department.

Feasibility of early exit

You can return to your duties during maternity leave at any time. But it should be borne in mind that maternity benefits are paid for the entire period. And the woman will have to return the amount for the time that she did not use. Therefore, going to work before the end of the leave associated with pregnancy and childbirth is not only impractical, but also unprofitable.

For early exit from maternity leave, you must write an application.

It is much more common for women to take up their duties ahead of schedule during parental leave. After all, it can be issued for another family member and at the same time, benefits will not be denied.

The employee has the right to work part-time or full-time at will.

In addition, she is provided with many benefits. For example, the employer does not have the right to send an employee on business trips or force her to work overtime and on holidays. In addition, the organization is obliged to provide the woman with time to feed the baby. In addition, if you agreed to an early exit, but there was a need to take care of the child again, then this can be done at any time.

A sample of this document is provided by the organization where you work. But if you don’t want to waste time, you can write it yourself at home. Moreover, it is written in any form. Basic compilation rules:

  • Indicate in the upper right corner the full name of the leader, as well as the full name of the organization. Write your name, surname and position below them.
  • In the middle of the sheet, write the word “Application”.
  • Approximate main text: “I ask you to interrupt parental leave, as well as payment of benefits in connection with the exit to your workplace from such and such a date.”
  • Date and sign below.

If you go part-time, you still have the right to receive child care benefits. In this case, it is not necessary to indicate in the document that you are refusing payments.

You can return to work before the end of maternity leave at any time. To do this, it is necessary to notify the employer about the return to their duties.


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