Early detection of lung cancer can save the patient’s life
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Lung cancer is the biggest killer of cancer. It could have been different if it had been detected at an early stage. Diagnosed at an early stage, it gives a good chance of recovery.

  1. Lung cancer does not make itself felt at first, and when symptoms do appear, they are very uncharacteristic
  2. Symptoms of lung cancer may include a persistent cough (or change in its nature), hoarseness or shortness of breath
  3. As much as 80 percent Malignant lung tumors detected in Poland are already so advanced that they are not suitable for surgical treatment
  4. For those particularly at risk of lung cancer, the National Program of Early Lung Cancer Detection (WWRP) using Low Dose Computed Tomography (NDTK) has been developed.
  5. Doctors explain who can take part in it
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Lung cancer develops insidiously. Initially, it does not appear at all, and when symptoms appear, they are very little characteristic. These can be symptoms such as a persistent cough (or a change in its nature), which is normal for any smoker, especially in the morning, and is not alarming, as are recurrent infections. Hoarseness, shortness of breath and chest pain are generally not associated with lung cancer. The most disturbing symptom is hemoptysis, which only prompts the patient to see a doctor.

Lung cancer diagnosis. Screening as an opportunity to improve unfavorable statistics

First, the cancer attacks the lung locally. In Poland, only about 20 percent are diagnosed at such an early stage. sick. This is definitely not enough, considering that these people can be treated with optimal therapy, i.e. surgery. Thanks to it – as indicated by oncologists – 75 percent. patients survive at least five years after the diagnosis of the disease (in oncology, five-year survival after cancer diagnosis is considered complete recovery). Life extension by five years is achieved in our country in only 15 percent. all lung cancer patients. Mostly because as much as 80 percent Malignant lung tumors detected in Poland are already so advanced that they are not suitable for surgical treatment. Conservative treatment, mainly medication, is the only option, and such treatment is usually less effective.

The National Program of Early Lung Cancer Detection (WWRP) with the use of Low Dose Computed Tomography (NDTK) provides an opportunity to change these unfavorable statistics. Put simply, it is about screening for lung cancer in people who are at increased risk of developing the disease. The primary task of WWRP is to identify as many patients as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

The number of malignant tumors continues to grow. Find out what your risk is. Perform diagnostic tests to assess the risk of cancer in women.

Lung cancer detection. Who can participate in screening?

Screening tests are dedicated to smokers and ex-smokers from the age of 55 (with additional risk factors from the age of 50) to 74 years of age.

– We are committed to examining, above all, those people who are most at risk of developing lung cancer. Apart from age, the second element of the definition of people at increased risk is the total consumption of tobacco, in Polish conditions defined at at least 20 pack-years – says prof. dr hab. n. med. Mariusz Adamek from the Department and Clinic of Thoracic Surgery of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, one of the founders of WWRP. – It should be understood in the way that if someone smokes one packet of cigarettes a day for a year, that is one packet a year, if he smokes half, he gets one packet in two years, if he smoked five packets, he would get 20 pack years after four years . In turn, those who get rid of the addiction cannot have tobacco abstinence longer than 15 years – he explains.

How can I get into lung cancer screening? All of Poland is divided into six macroregions. There are two or three voivodships for each. In the screening program, regional centers are university or cancer centers. It is open to partners selected through a competition or inquiries. Institutions responsible for the implementation of the program in a given voivodship should be contacted.

Their list is available at: patient.gov.pl. A website dedicated to WWRP will appear soon. Due to the pandemic, the implementation of the program may be delayed.

Lung cancer diagnosis. Advantages of low-dose computed tomography

– Tomography is not a health test, but in the case of NDTK, the dose of ionizing radiation is very low. In the past, chest CT was associated with a radiation dose of approximately 8 milliSieverts (mSv). Contemporary tomographic scanners are more and more advanced, they can do the same with a lower dose of radiation. During a chest CT scan, the dose fluctuates around 1 mSv. This is half or 1/3 of the radiation that would be used for standard chest tomography with contrast – reminds Prof. Adamek.

It is very important that low-dose computed tomography allows to detect even several millimeter lung nodules. If a nodule up to 4 – 5 mm in size is detected, the examination is repeated after one year. When it has a diameter of 6 – 7 mm, the test should be repeated earlier, after six months, and in the case of a tumor with a diameter of 8 – 14 mm – after three months.

Bronchonavigation shows the way to reach the lung tumor

An early lung tumor can be removed, giving you the best chance of recovery. This is generally possible in patients diagnosed with stage III or IV cancer. – A lung tumor larger than 14 mm requires further diagnostics, but it must be remembered that not everyone is malignant – emphasizes Prof. Adamek.

The traditional diagnostic method, or bronchoscopy, allows you to reach the main branches of the bronchial tree. If the lesions are centrally located, they can be seen and samples taken for Pap smear. In the case of lesions located peripherally, against the chest wall, a more invasive method, i.e. a transthoracic biopsy, must be used. An alternative is electromagnetic bronchoscopic navigation. It is performed when the patient has already been diagnosed with a change in the lung and has an ambiguous picture or lies in a place that is otherwise unavailable for examination.

Electromagnetic bronchonavigation allows to determine the route of reaching the surgical tumor. It is performed during bronchoscopy. Thanks to electromagnetic bronchonavigation, the doctor can not only collect a tumor fragment from places unavailable for traditional methods, but also stain the tumor, which makes it easier for thoracic surgeons to find it and remove it during surgery. It is not only a diagnostic device. Electromagnetic bronchonavigation allows for the introduction of a marker near the tumor, which is used during radiotherapy. This enables more precise radiotherapy of lung tumors, explains Dr. Robert Dziedzic from the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk.

So far, only two centers in Poland have equipment for bronchonavigation. It is the Clinic of Thoracic Surgery of the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk and the Clinic of Thoracic Surgery and Transplantation of the Pomeranian University in Szczecin. The good news is that these centers accept patients from all over Poland, the bad news is that the examination with the use of electromagnetic bronchoscopic navigation is not reimbursed.

After minimally invasive surgery, patients recover faster

If the patient was lucky and the tumor was detected early, the tumor is operable – it can be operated on.

– Minimally invasive surgery is now the standard treatment for patients with early lung cancer. Thanks to them, the cuts on the chest are much smaller. In standard thoracotomy (a surgical procedure to open the chest wall), the incision can be up to 30 cm long. During posterolateral thoracotomy, muscles are cut, an incision is made between the ribs, cutting the intercostal space. In the case of minimally invasive access, the cut is also between the ribs, but its length is usually between 4 and 8 cm, additionally, no tools are used to open the ribs. It is therefore a much smaller injury than with traditional access. Patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery recover faster, “get back on their feet” faster, and require less painkillers, explains Dr. Dziedzic.

Bronchonavigation: comment of a patient with a lung tumor

I have already undergone surgical removal of the colon cancer. During the control tomography of the abdominal cavity, the lower part of the lung was also imaged. It turned out there was a tumor there. I got a referral to a pulmonologist, I had a biopsy which showed no cancer cells. I was commissioned further tests, i.e. PET, which showed that there was a lung tumor with satellite nodules around it. Therefore, I was referred for bronchoscopy with bronchonavigation so that samples could be collected from more distant places.

During bronchialavigation, samples were taken from these satellite nodules and cancer cells were found. Only bronchonavigation allowed to reach malignant tumors.

The article was created as part of the “Longer Life with Cancer” campaign, implemented by the portal www.pacjentilekarz.pl

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