Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

Vegetable growing in greenhouses is becoming more popular every year. This is noticeable in the number of new greenhouse farms. With the popularity of cucumber as a crop, it is necessary to be well versed in the process of growing various varieties. Today we will talk about early cucumbers. These varieties have become very popular nowadays as many gardeners try to grow crops twice in a season.

Cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse

Preparation for planting cucumbers in a greenhouse does not begin in spring, but in early autumn. This process includes:

  • cleaning the greenhouse from leaves and other residues;
  • remove weeds;
  • carry out disinfection of the soil;
  • mineral fertilizers and sawdust are applied to the soil.

For disinfection, various solutions are used, of which there are many on sale. Superphosphate and potassium chloride can be successfully used as a fertilizer. Now you can form beds and leave the greenhouse until winter. It is also necessary to work during this period. If snow accumulates in the greenhouse, it must be removed.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

Snow removal will allow the soil to freeze sufficiently. It is necessary to fight:

  • with fungi and viruses;
  • with soil insects;
  • with illnesses.

You can return to your greenhouse in early spring. You will have to disinfect the soil again, and then dig the soil and form beds. Everything is ready for planting cucumbers. It is up to you to decide which variety to choose, early ripening cucumbers are considered one of the most purchased.

Variety choice

Let’s start with the fact that all varieties of cucumbers can be divided into four groups according to the degree of ripening:

  • ultra-early (earliest);
  • early
  • mid-season;
  • later.

The selection of early varieties is made primarily according to taste. Everyone likes certain varieties of cucumbers, with thin or thick skins, with or without bumps. Please note that seeds can be divided into two groups:

  • varietal;
  • hybrid.

It is believed that hybrids bred by breeders are more resistant to diseases, pests and fungi. And also experienced gardeners note that hybrids are less whimsical to grow and are the most resistant to changing climatic conditions. The method of pollination of plants is also of great importance. It can be bee pollinated or self pollinated. When planting cucumbers in early spring, give preference to self-pollinating plants. The word “parthenocarpic” may be indicated on the packaging. This is very convenient, because the weather is not predictable.

Parthenocarpic cucumbers self-pollinate. It doesn’t matter to them if it’s raining or if there are bees in your area. Moreover, varieties will have to be planted in a greenhouse, where insects fly reluctantly.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

The only negative is the capriciousness of early parthenocarpic hybrids to a sharp drop in air temperature. Keep this in mind if you live in a cold climate. For an unheated greenhouse, this is important.

Table of popular varieties

Here are some of the most popular early cucumber varieties that are ideal for growing in greenhouses. These include the following varieties:

  • rather large hybrid “Makar”;
  • hybrid “Arina”;
  • hybrid “Bukhara” of medium size;
  • variety “Zyatek”;
  • extremely popular hybrid “Courage”;
  • hybrid “Swallowtail”;
  • self-pollinating hybrid “Tescha”.

All of these varieties are self-pollinating. The ovary is formed without the participation of insects.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

Below is a table describing the varieties listed.

Hybrid nameZelenets lengthLanding guidelines
although14-19 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 10-12 degrees Celsius, planting depth 3-4 centimeters
Arina15-17 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 10-12 degrees Celsius, planting depth 3-4 centimeters
Bukhara11-14 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 10-12 degrees Celsius, planting depth 3-4 centimeters
Son-in-law10-12 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 25-30 degrees Celsius, planting depth 2-3 centimeters
Courage13-16 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 10-12 degrees Celsius, planting depth 3-4 centimeters
Machaon7-11 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 10-12 degrees Celsius, planting depth 3-4 centimeters
Mother-in- law11-13 centimetersThe soil during planting should warm up to 25-30 degrees Celsius, planting depth 2-3 centimeters

Early varieties, due to their popularity, are very common today. The ones listed above are just a few of the options you can choose from. For beginners, it is better to choose common varieties.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

Features of growing early varieties

Each early variety has its own characteristics. This is important to consider. However, all cucumbers are quite demanding on soil and watering, and these rules are common to all. Below is a video with short recommendations for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Advice! Cucumber is native to India. Regardless of which variety you grow, it is important to observe the temperature regime, water cucumbers often and feed them. Only then will the harvest be rich.

Ventilation of the greenhouse is a must.


Cucumbers love abundant watering with warm water. Well, if it corresponds to the temperature of fresh milk. You can arrange abundant water procedures in the greenhouse. However, there is one important rule here: at the beginning of spring, when it gets colder, watering is limited. Stagnation of water in the soil can lead to the development of fungus and the death of plants. This also applies to dew on the leaves. When the temperature drops, cover the plants with a non-woven fabric until the greenhouse warms up with the sun.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

If outside the window every day is getting warmer, do not let the soil dry out. At the same time, do not let the water stagnate. This is also harmful.

The video tells in detail about watering cucumbers.

early cucumbers

Additional fertilizing

Let’s talk about nutrition. Any variety of cucumbers is demanding on soil fertility and the application of mineral fertilizers. It is for this reason that the soil is prepared in advance, sawdust, humus and various top dressings are introduced into it. Initially, in the spring, one of two things is introduced into the soil:

  1. Compost.
  2. Decayed manure.

Additionally, fertilizer must be applied. Planting seedlings in the ground after these procedures is carried out after 30 days. When feeding, remember:

  • root – good in warm weather, they produce them in the evening when the sun is inactive;
  • foliar, on the contrary, produce on cold spring and summer days.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

Many use the standard feeding regime, which is familiar to many gardeners. Whatever variety of cucumbers you grow, this mode is equally good:

  • the first – 15 days after landing in the ground;
  • the second – at the time of flowering;
  • the third – at the time of fruiting.

The video details the root feeding of cucumbers in the greenhouse.


Additional sources of light and heat

Each variety of cucumbers is extremely demanding on heat. The dislike of this vegetable for watering with cold water, changes in air temperature is familiar to many summer residents. When growing this vegetable in Siberia and other regions, it is better to think over the methods of additional lighting and heating in the greenhouse.

In the northern regions, any variety of cucumbers can be planted in an unheated greenhouse only at the end of May. That is why early ripening varieties are so popular in the regions. Seeds are illuminated with LED lamps for faster growth.

Early cucumbers for the greenhouse

As for maintaining heat, they act in various ways:

  • dark bottles of water are laid out between the beds, which accumulate heat during the day and release them at night;
  • peat and sawdust are introduced into the soil, which warm the seedlings.
Advice! The greenhouse for cucumbers should be high enough. This plant does not accept low ceilings.

Following the simple rules for growing early varieties of cucumbers will certainly lead the gardener to a rich harvest. Despite all the warnings, it is possible to plant seedlings in an unheated greenhouse, considering all possible problems in advance.

🥒 Cucumbers – root top dressing in the greenhouse. Growing cucumbers.

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