Earache: all you need to know about otalgia

Earache: all you need to know about otalgia

Earache is a common symptom, especially in children, but also in adults. Pain can be caused by a wide variety of illnesses. It can be alarming and very disabling, but it is usually not serious and can get better within a few days without treatment.

Description of earache

Earache (also called earache) is pain that can be felt in both ears at the same time or, more often, only in one ear. This pain can be constant or irregular and vary over time. Earache is more common in children than in adults because they are more prone to ear infections, or ear infections.

In infants and young children, it can be difficult to spot an ear condition, even if it is the cause of pain. However, there are some signs that can put you on the trail:

  • increased screaming and crying and difficulty consoling them;
  • disturbed sleep and generally reduced sleep;
  • loss of appetite, which may be accompanied by weight loss;
  • fever
  • a cough, runny nose, or other sign of a cold or infection
  • inattention which may indicate hearing loss;
  • or even a loss of balance.

Causes of earache

There are many illnesses that can cause ear pain. Some of them directly affect the ears, while others affect areas close to the ears, such as the teeth, jaw or nose.

The most common causes of earache are:

  • various ear canal infections (ear infections) with or without complications, such as perforation of the eardrum or accumulation of fluid in the ear;
  • damage to the ear canal as a result of changes in pressure, such as when diving or staying at high altitudes;
  • wax plugs or anything stuck in the ear;
  • throat infections (including tonsillitis);
  • sinus infections;
  • a cold ;
  • jaw pain or arthritis;
  • or a dental abscess or other dental pain, such as wisdom tooth problems.

Evolution and possible complications of earache

One of the most common complications of earache is a ruptured eardrum. It can reveal itself as a sudden and unexpected cessation of pain.

Treatment and prevention: what solutions?

The origins of ear pain can be very diverse and do not always require medical treatment.

There are ear drops that are available without a prescription that can help decrease the feeling of pain, but do not treat the cause of it. Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can also provide temporary relief. It is also possible to apply a compress or a cold cloth to the ear for about twenty minutes to calm the pain. If this persists, however, it is recommended to consult a doctor who may prescribe antibiotics in the event of a bacterial infection.

If the pain is caused by a change in altitude, such as when traveling on an airplane, chewing gum or swallowing may relieve pressure in the ear and reduce pain. We can thus, simply swallow or drink (make infants drink from bottle or breastfeed).

Certain simple actions can also help prevent ear problems, especially in children:

  • avoid smoking near children, passive smoking being a major cause of ear infections in children;
  • avoid inserting objects in the ear, such as a cotton swab for example;
  • Rinse well with clean water and dry ears after bathing or swimming to prevent infections or the build-up of soap and shampoo residue;
  • avoid contact with allergens as much as possible.

Remember to consult a doctor in case of:

  • high fever or persistent fever;
  • discharge of fluid from the ear;
  • sudden and unexpected stopping of pain, as this may indicate a ruptured eardrum.

Read also : 

  • Otitis media
  • Otitis externa
  • Clogged ear

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