The probability that your little one will get ear infections is very high. Almost two-thirds of young children develop this disease. It is very important that you are able to recognize it quickly and react accordingly.
An earache alone does not always indicate a disease. Sometimes the soreness may be related to the fact that the child was walking on a fairly windy day or some water poured into the ear while bathing. This is why he may experience pain and a feeling of “something” in his ear for a while. However, if your child feels the stinging for much longer (more than 5 hours), it may be an ear infection. The child may also be additionally irritable, find it hard to concentrate on something and have no appetite. He may also vomit and have diarrhea. It happens that the child does not feel pain at all after developing inflammation in the ear. However, the visible symptom of this inflammation is oozing purulent secretion. It is caused by bacteria that are responsible for inflammation and cause swelling of the eardrum, which ruptures over time.
How to proceed.
If you think that your child may be suffering from otitis, remember not to wash his ears with water under any circumstances. Cover your baby’s ears with a protective film or wear a cap when bathing. Take your child to a pediatrician or ENT doctor as soon as possible. Do not underestimate this disease. Left untreated, it can damage your hearing. And when the cause of acute otitis media is bacteria, it can even lead to inflammation of nearby organs or meningitis. Such dangerous complications, however, are relatively rare. Most often, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for otitis. However, they may also decide that other treatment is indicated. In some cases, the inflammation in the ear can heal on its own. Sometimes you have to wait 2 days to see if symptomatic treatment is enough. However, the disease should always be consulted with a doctor. Rarely, however, antibiotic treatment is not enough and acute inflammation persists. In this case, an incision is made in the tympanic membrane. If this happens to your child, don’t panic! It is a painless procedure, after which the child will feel much better. The incision must be made by an otolaryngologist. Proper hygiene of the ears is necessary after the procedure. It is important that dressings are changed regularly. If the doctor recommends, you need to use ear drops that soothe postoperative conditions.
Back to antibiotic treatment. At home, try to provide your child with rest, you should know that the pain can be extremely persistent. It can be quite hot for that. Therefore, painkillers and antipyretics must be administered. Of course, after consulting a doctor. Very often inflammation is accompanied by a troublesome runny nose. Then, to alleviate the symptoms, drops that reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa should be used.
After illness. After the disease has subsided, it may happen that the child continues to complain about hearing loss. However, this condition should not last longer than 2 weeks. If your child continues to complain of hearing problems, you should go back to the doctor who will check if the condition has been completely cured.
You can prevent and protect your child’s body against infections by taking medicines available in pharmacies that increase its immunity. It’s best to ask your pediatrician for advice on what kind of preparation your child should take.