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An ear boil is a condition that develops as a result of bacterial infection of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, as a result of damage to the skin by scratching and cleaning the ear too vigorously. Symptoms include severe, throbbing pain in the ear radiating to the eye or teeth. Treatment begins after an otolaryngological examination.
Ear boil – definition
An ear boil is a condition that usually occurs at the beginning of the ear canal, where there is a large amount of sebaceous and sweat glands. This is where the pores of the hair follicles become contaminated from the outside. Boils can arise from contamination of the ear with dust, earwax, and bacteria. Bacteria entering the ear can cause redness and inflammation. It is not uncommon for a painful pus reservoir to form or ulcerate. Patients with boils may develop a high temperature, itchy ear area, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck area.
The causes of the formation of an ear boil
Boils are, unfortunately, quite a common condition that can appear anywhere else on the skin. In general, the occurrence of boils is closely related to the bacteria of staphylococcus and streptococcus, which appear unexpectedly in the form of red lesions in the area of damaged skin, ingrown hairs or clogged pores. You don’t want boils to develop? Avoid scratching the ear area or cleaning them with sharp objects that can hurt.
Factors that increase the risk of boils:
- significant decrease in immunity,
- vitamin deficiency in the body,
- malnutrition,
- chronic ailments, e.g. diabetes,
- organ diseases.
After bacteria have infected the hair follicles, redness appears, which over time (usually within a week) turns into a boil. The lesions are filled with pus, which usually comes out spontaneously and the wound begins to heal from then on.
Boil and its symptoms
The boil is that it causes severe ear pain. The skin in the boil becomes very delicate, unlike the skin that covers other parts of the body. In addition, the amount of adipose tissue in this place is practically non-existent. As a result of the cohesiveness of the structures forming the outer ear, the growth of the boil is hindered, which is manifested by the earaches mentioned above. They are unbearable, especially at night, the patient is unable to sleep on the site that has been attacked by the disease process. For some, the pain is so distressing that it radiates all the way to the temporomandibular joint, then even opening the mouth causes pain.
In addition, in patients with boils, the following can be observed:
- enlarged lymph nodes (especially in the submandibular and chin regions),
- irritation of the ear area,
- ear itching
- high fever,
- chills,
- general fatigue as a result of a bacterial infection,
- temporary hearing loss caused by obstruction of the ear canal by a growing boil,
Important! You should always see a doctor when the abdominal pain is unbearable or accompanied by severe pain.
Ear boil diagnosis
The basis of diagnostics is a medical interview with the patient and a physical examination. The changes occurring in this ailment are so characteristic that they can be easily distinguished from other dermatoses. As in any case, it is also important here to exclude other serious systemic diseases that may be the direct cause of the boil.
How to treat an ear boil?
There are cases where the ear boil reaches the size of a golf ball. The physician should select the treatment individually for each patient, taking into account the size of the lesions and the type of accompanying symptoms. In the case of smaller boil lesions, medical consultation is not always necessary as they may self-absorb and disappear in a short time. But what if the changes persist?
1. You can use painkillers and anti-inflammatory preparations, especially when the pain is very strong.
2. An antibiotic is also recommended to prevent the development of infection and relapse.
3. A surgical incision of the boil is sometimes necessary using a scalpel. The indication for this procedure is a big change. Usually, the pain subsides a few hours after the procedure, and the antibiotics taken accelerate healing and prevent the recurrence of lesions in the same place.
4. In people with a small boil and not accompanied by severe pain – moist and warm ichthyol compresses can be used. They facilitate the escape of the remaining secretions, which at the same time accelerates the healing process.
5. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out boils! This can have the exact opposite effect and cause an infection to develop.
Boil – are complications possible?
In order to avoid any complications, you should see a doctor, especially if the boil persists for a long time and causes severe pain. This is important because the changes appear in those areas where there are many organs essential for our functioning.
Possible complications of boils are:
- sinusitis,
- brain infection
- the occurrence of an abscess of the skin, kidneys, brain or spinal cord
- osteomyelitis,
- endocarditis,
- sepsis,
- permanent scars in the areas of the boil.
Not everyone has complications. It is enough to properly care for body hygiene, especially in the area of the external auditory canal. It is worth investing in soaps and antibacterial lotions. When washing hair and body, be careful not to let the products enter the ear canal. You should also remember to change towels regularly and not to rummage in your ear with sharp objects. Following these few simple rules can save you from a potential boil.
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