E542 Sodium Phosphate

Sodium Phosphate (Sodium orthophosphate, Bone phosphate, Essentiale Calcium Phosphate, Tribasic, Medium Salt, Bone Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate 3-substituted, E542)

Sodium phosphate is a substance known as a food additive with the index E542. E542 belongs to the group of emulsifiers, pH regulators and anti-caking substances (calorizator). As a food additive and a source of phosphorus, it is used in the food industry.

General Characteristics of Sodium Phosphate E542

Sodium phosphate is an inorganic salt that is naturally occurring in the body. Sodium phosphate is a colorless and odorless crystal that is poorly soluble in water. The name bone phosphate substance was obtained by the method of production – from animal bones, so most often products containing E542 do not include in their diet vegetarians and other groups of people who for one reason or another do not eat meat (vegetarians, Muslims, Jews or Hindus).

The harm of Sodium Phosphate

The main property of Sodium Phosphate is an instant reaction with calcium, the amount of the latter is sharply reduced, that is, there is a leaching of calcium from the human body. Excessive consumption of products containing E542 in their composition leads to the destruction of tooth enamel and osteoporosis, as well as to the slowing down of bone growth, which is especially dangerous in adolescence. The daily norm of sodium phosphate intake is 65-70 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Application of E542

The main application of E542 Sodium Phosphate is cosmetology and the production of toothpastes. In the food industry, the additive is used in the production of pasta, sour-milk products, frozen meat and fish minced meat, concentrated broths, dough, baking powders and culinary semi-finished products, alcoholic beverages.

Use of E542 (Sodium Phosphate)

On the territory of our country, the use of E542 as a food additive is allowed, provided that the consumption standards established by the SanPiN of the Russian Federation are clearly met.

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