E514 Sodium Sulfates

Sodium sulfates (Sodium sulphates, Sodium sulfate, Sodium hydrogen sulfate, sodium sulfate, sodium hydrosulfate, sodium sulphate, E514) — the sodium salt of sulfuric acid.

The chemical formula is Na2SO4. Colorless crystals. It is found in nature in the form of the mineral thenardite.

Types of sodium sulfates:

  • (i) Sodium sulfate);
  • (ii) Sodium hydrosulfate.

In the world, large amounts of sodium sulfate were previously used in the production of synthetic detergents, but in many countries in recent years there has been a transition to concentrated (compact) washing powders, in which the sulfate is either not used or is used in small quantities. In our country, sodium sulfate is still present in almost all washing powders produced in the country (up to a third by weight).

The second largest use of sodium sulfate is in glass production. This substance is also used for the production of sulphate cellulose, in the textile, leather industry and in non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as in medicine and veterinary medicine (as a laxative and as an additive in nasal lavage).

In small amounts, sodium sulfate is used in chemical laboratories — as a dehydrating agent. Despite the fact that it dehydrates organic solvents more slowly than magnesium sulfate, many people prefer this particular tool for two reasons: it is cheap and easy to filter out.

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