Esters and glycerides of acids (Esters glycerides of acids, E472)
Esters and glycerides (glycerol esters) are a group of food additives united by a common index E472. Esters and glycerides of acids (Esters glycerides of acids) are stabilizers and emulsifiers, it is in this capacity that they are used.
E472 Esters and glycerides of acids consists of several subgroups:
- E472a Acetic acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids;
- E472b Lactic acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids;
- E472c Citric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids;
- E472d Tartaric acid esters of mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids;
- E472e Mono-and diacetyl esters of tartaric acid mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids;
- E472f Mixed esters of acetic and tartaric acids mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids;
- E472g Succinic acid monoglycerides.
General characteristics of E472
The main sources of E472 production are glycerin and natural fatty acids. According to their physical properties, esters and glycerides of acids differ, depending on the original source, they can be colorless volatile liquids with a pleasant smell or yellow-brown oils, whitish wax or solid crystalline bodies that are poorly soluble in liquids.
Application of Esters and glycerides of acids
The main use of E472 is as a food additive-stabilizer, thickener and emulsifier in the production of dairy products, canned meat and fish, bread and flour products (calorizator). In addition to the food industry, E472 is used in medicine for the production of ointments and liniments and in the chemical industry (production of paint and varnish products, drying oils, etc.)
Benefits and harms of E472
E472 when ingested, the body undergoes a process of decomposition into fats and acids, which are completely absorbed. Esters and glycerides are considered completely harmless, no side effects have been identified. The only caveat for those who, for various reasons, do not eat animal products – some esters and glycerides of acids can be produced from fats and oils of animal origin, not vegetable.
Use of E472
On the territory of our country, it is allowed to use E472 Esters and glycerides of acids as a food additive. The daily norm is determined only for tartaric acid (E472d, E472e and E472f) and is 30 mg per 1 kg of weight.
Mi se dopada proizvod E-472, osobeno
E-472e.Datem. Dali imate predstavnik za Europa, tacnije za Zapadni Balkan. Mi se bavimo sa pravljenje
Pozdrav Peshevski Dobrivoje , Skopje Makedonija