E322 Lecithin

Lecithin (Lecithin, E322).

Lecithin is a general term for any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances found in animal and plant tissues, egg yolks, and consisting of orthophosphoric acid, choline, fatty acids, glycerol, glycolipids, fats, and phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylinositol). Lecithin E322 is an alternative to E476 (Polyglycerin or lecithin of animal origin).

Lecithins are esters of choline and some acids, they are phospholipids without taste and smell, they are transparent crystals or whitish powder. When broken down, lecithins form fatty acids, choline and glycerin.

General characteristics

E322 or Lecithin is a natural dietary supplement, an antioxidant that has a natural origin. The main supplier of Lecithin – egg yolk, it is to him that the substance owes its name, because in Greek Lekithos – egg yolk (calorizator). Lecithin has strong surface-active properties, which explains its use as an emulsifier when mixing substances of different nature and structure. In addition to the yolk, natural lecithin contains meat products, liver, peanuts and all types of vegetable oils. Refining of vegetable oils, mainly soy oils – is one of the ways of industrial production of E322.

Useful Properties of Lecithin

Lecithin is essential for the normal functioning of the human body, it is part of the liver and brain tissue, is a building material for cell repair and growth, and supplies all the cells of the body with nutrients and vitamins. It has the property of increasing the effectiveness of the effects of drugs.

Harm of E322

Food supplement E322 can cause allergic reactions, so products that contain Lecithin should be used with caution for people who have a tendency to allergies.

Application of E322 in the food industry

The food industry uses Lecithin to increase the shelf life of products, mainly confectionery, as a substance that prevents the crystallization of fats, which allows fats to remain liquid for a long time, and when frying – do not splash. An important property of E322 is to prevent the pastry from sticking to the dishes in which the baking process is taking place.

The richest natural source of lecithin is high-fat foods, such as eggs and liver meat, but other foods like peanuts, steak, and some fruits and vegetables are also a source of it. In industry, lecithin is extracted from the by-products of soy flour and oil production.

Application of E322 in production

The most well-known use of Lecithin is not in the production of food products – these are dietary supplements, which do not quite introduce E322 into the complexes of vitamins and minerals. Lecithin is used as a raw material for the production of solvents and paints, fertilizers for plants and animal feed, as well as cosmetics, explosives and ink.

Combination of Lecithin with other substances

E322 is most effective when combined with vitamins A, B1, B6, D, F, PP.

Use of E322

The food additive E322 is approved for use in Russia, Ukraine and many countries of Europe and the World Community.

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