E211 Sodium Benzoate

Sodium Benzoate (Sodium Benzoate, sodium benzoate, E211).

Sodium benzoate (additive E211) is a substance that has the properties of a preservative. It is a white powder without taste and smell.

General characteristics and history of occurrence

Sodium benzoate is a salt of benzoic acid obtained during the reaction of the latter and caustic soda. It was discovered in 1875 by Hugo Fleck, who conducted experiments to obtain a replacement for the hard-to-reach salicylic acid.

Preservative property

The main property of sodium benzoate is the almost complete suppression of the vital activity of yeast fungi and mold bacteria. E211 completely stops the ability of cells to produce enzymes and break down starches and fats (calorizator). There is a death of microbes, because sodium benzoate “works” as an antibiotic.

Useful properties of Sodium Benzoate

The main quality of E211 as a preservative is an increase in the shelf life and storage of prepared products. A slight sweet taste can improve the taste of products, but there are pitfalls – it is possible that manufacturers will improve the taste of spoiled or substandard products.

The harm of E211 Sodium Benzoate

Suppressing the activity of all cells of the body and their ability to break down starches and fats, sodium benzoate, inhibits redox processes in the body, causes allergies, DNA damage, urticaria, can provoke cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson’s disease and some neurodegenerative diseases. Sodium benzoate has a strong inhibitory effect on yeast and mold fungi, including aflatoxin-forming ones, suppresses the activity of enzymes responsible for redox reactions in microbial cells, as well as enzymes that break down fats and starch (the same effect sodium benzoate produces on the cells of the human body).

The insidiousness of E211 is that it accumulates in the body and is practically not excreted, so canned food and semi-finished products, as well as other products containing this preservative, should be consumed in moderation.

Sodium benzoate (E211) is one of the cheapest preservatives, which is why it is so often used in the food industry. When ingested, E211 reacts with glycol to form benzoyl-glycocol. In children, it is excreted much more slowly than in adults.

Application of E211 in the food industry

In Russia and some countries, Sodium benzoate is used in the food industry. E211 is completely soluble in water and does not lose its properties when boiled, so the range of its application in the food industry is practically unlimited. Sodium benzoate is used in the production of soft drinks, sausages, meat products and cheeses, canned food and preserves, sauces, spices and seasonings, pickled vegetables and canned fruits, jams, jellies, canned fish and salted fish, sweets and other confectionery products, almost all semi – finished products, especially ready-made salads. Also, E211 Sodium Benzoate is present in some weight loss products and baby food.

In addition to the chemically obtained, E211 is also of natural origin, in small doses it contains prunes, apples, cranberries, cinnamon and cloves. However, most often, Sodium benzoate is a substance that is synthesized by the chemical industry. Its chemical formula is C6H5COONa.

Application of E211 in production

Sodium benzoate is also present in some medicines (as an expectorant in combination preparations), in the production of tobacco products, pyrotechnics, perfumes, and as a protective agent for aluminum parts.

Combination of sodium benzoate with other substances

When E211 is combined with some other substances, it can cause significant harm to the body, with constant use in large quantities. For example, the combination of sodium benzoate with ascorbic acid (E300) forms benzene. Frequent consumption of which leads to its accumulation in the body and the possibility of developing cancerous tumors. Prolonged exposure to benzene can lead to a lack of hemoglobin, and subsequently to leukemia.

If the dose of benzene consumption is exceeded, a person feels nausea and dizziness, and other symptoms of intoxication appear.

Usually, several different additives are added to the products, which, interacting with each other, can in some cases change their properties or enhance the effect.

For example, in dairy products, sodium benzoate is often added together with potassium sorbate, to enhance the inhibition of lactic acid bacteria, which leads to an increase in the preservative effect of E211.

Harmful properties are also enhanced in combination with E102 (tartrazine).

Use of E211 Sodium Benzoate

It should be remembered that in most countries of the World Community, E211 is banned, because the WHO has recognized it as harmless only in negligible quantities. However, the additive E211 is allowed for use in food products in our country and many other countries. But due to its unsafe use for human health, the use of E211 has been declining in recent years. In European countries, the negative impact of the combination of sodium benzoate and artificial dyes on the behavior and intelligence of children is discussed, and it is recommended to gradually remove the dyes E110, E104, E122, E129, E102, E124 from use.


  1. Ինչքա՞ն նատրիումի բենզոատ է անհրաժեշտ 100լ սառը սուրճի և թեյի կոնսերվացնելու համար։Շնորհակալություն

  2. իչքան նատրիումի բենզոնատ ե հարկավոր 100 լիտր սարը սուրձի և թեյի համար

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