
Literary historian Yevgenia Ivanova devoted her voluminous book to a detailed description of the post-revolutionary fate of the poet.

Articles about the revolution, poetic muteness, the speech «On the Appointment of a Poet» — the last years of Alexander Blok’s life usually fit into these several plots. Shortly after his triumphant speech at the Pushkin Days, the poet died, and to explain his death, contemporaries used the words of Blok himself about Pushkin — «from lack of air.» Here, it seems, is all. Literary historian Yevgenia Ivanova devoted her voluminous book to a detailed description of the post-revolutionary fate of the poet. For her, not only the factography, which was collected and analyzed in such a volume for the first time, is important, but also the internal evolution of the “tragic tenor of the era”, who wrote about himself shortly before his death: piglet.» Why Blok from the revolutionary poem «The Twelve» came to such statements can be learned from a thorough book, the content of which is instructive against the backdrop of today’s return of history.

Rostock, 608 p.

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