The opinion that it is healthier, not addictive, does not harm others, and that it is more convenient, better tolerated has been circulating for about 10 years, but is this really what an e-cigarette is?
An e-cigarette is an electronically controlled, battery-powered mist inhaler produced by heating a specially designed liquid called e-liquid. It may or may not contain purified nicotine diluted to a safe concentration. First of all, it is intended for heavy smokers in order to replace tobacco smoking, allowing the use of a cheaper and less harmful substitute for nicotine not contaminated with additional tobacco combustion products and tissue paper, as well as for satisfying nicotine cravings. It has the additional advantage of helping you quit smoking by gradually reducing the nicotine content of your e-liquid on a regular basis until it is completely eliminated.
Below we debunk some myths built over the last few years around E-cigarettes.
Myth 1: E-cigarette is a way to break the nicotine addiction.
The truth is a little different. Electronic cigarettes can contain up to twice as much nicotine as a nicotine inhaler. Even those that are advertised as “nicotine-free” or “menthol” can contain large doses of harmful nicotine. Of course, used according to the recommendations, reasonably and with the intention of quitting, it can be helpful, but not as much as specially adapted preparations.
Myth 2: E-cigarettes are not addictive.
Smoking an e-cigarette, although we can do without a regular cigarette, does not mean that we are not addicted to nicotine, because the above-mentioned cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive.
Myth 3: The e-cigarette is not a problem for outsiders, the so-called passive smokers.
It is true that the risk of getting sick from passive smokers is much lower than in the case of cigarettes, but it is worth remembering that the combustion of tobacco produces a highly carcinogenic substance nitrosamine, the harmfulness of which has long been confirmed. Unfortunately, some e-cigarette manufacturers add a similar essence to the cartridges, which is also inhaled by people standing next to the smoker. The risk of getting sick from passive smokers is lower than in the case of cigarettes, but higher than if they did not inhale vapors from e-cigarettes at all.
Miter #4: The e-cigarette does not harm the user’s health.
Any preparation containing nicotine is harmful. There are many ailments that can occur in connection with the use of e-cigarettes. From dizziness and muscle pain, through cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension, to permanent brain damage and heart attack.
Therefore, it seems most important to go to the doctor in order to break the addiction and take optimal treatment, because all anti-smoking therapies turn out to be effective if they are used in the right way.