E. Barry “Getting rid of shame: practice”

A mischievous girl tells her friend, who has knitted herself a sweater, that it is a dirty color. In high school, she calls a classmate cheap for sleeping with her boyfriend. No wonder she has no friends! She herself knows that she is acting unfriendly, but there is nothing she can do about it. She condemns others – and she condemns herself for it. She is ashamed of herself, her behavior, her inability to find a common language with others. Already an adult and still alone, one day she comes to a psychotherapy group, where she learns to use her “shadow” energy … Before us is a documentary, autobiographical story by Alice Barry (sister of the famous Jungian analyst Cliff Barry, author of the Shadow Working technique) about awareness and healing, testimony and promise: “You can change … You can become happier than today.”

LUCH, 208 s.

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