«Dziennik Polski»: With a chip they will look deep into the mind

Scientists from AGH want to create a miniature, wireless electronic device that will read signals sent from brain cells – writes Dziennik Polski.

This could help in the future to build mind-guided prostheses, treat neurological conditions, or test new drugs.

The aim of the research team from AGH is to create a miniature, wireless integrated circuit that could record signals sent from brain cells. This would allow researchers to understand how information is encoded and processed by the brain.

In the implemented project, neural signals are recorded by means of complex microelectrode arrays introduced into the brain, which in turn are connected to the designed integrated circuit. In turn, this chip will amplify the signals and wirelessly send them to the computer.

A team of scientists led by Dr. Robert Szczygieł, cooperates in this area with the Department of Neurobiology of the University of Łódź and the Institute of Zoology of the Jagiellonian University – informs Dziennik Polski.

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