«Dziennik Polski»: Medicinal … salmonella

Anticancer therapy, developed by scientists from the Jagiellonian University, has been declared the Polish Product of the Future, informs Dziennik Polski.

Treatment is to involve the use of special Salmonella bacteria, which, thanks to genetic changes, recognize neoplastic tissue and are deposited in it after being injected into the patient’s bloodstream. Thanks to the natural invasive mechanisms, bacteria penetrate the tumor cells, where they cause the so-called apoptosis or the process of their self-destruction. At the same time, the immune system is stimulated and the anti-cancer reaction is triggered. The therapy excludes the side effects of ailments caused by Salmonella bacteria, as its harmful features have been greatly weakened.

The awarded research was conducted by Paulina Chorobik, under the supervision of Dr. Michał Bereta from the Department of Immunology at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University, the originator and creator of the project. Currently, the work is coordinated by Dr. Joanna Bereta from the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University. The Center for Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development at the Jagiellonian University has already taken care of patent protection for the invention. (PAP)

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