“Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”: The epidemic of cesarean sections

Another record was set at Polish delivery rooms. In 2014, 42 percent. the deliveries took place by caesarean section, writes Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, citing the preliminary estimates of the Institute of Mother and Child.

A year earlier, there were nearly 2 percent of them. less, and in 1999 doctors more than twice less often resorted to such a solution: it concerned only 18 percent. cases.

Meanwhile, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, caesarean sections should amount to a maximum of 15%. all births.

The Ministry of Health assures that it intends to change this and – as «DGP» reminds us – creates a team of specialists who are to develop standards for performing cesarean sections. The effect is to reduce their number.

According to doctors, decisions about a caesarean result not only from fear of safety or fear of pain. The comfort of those in labor is also the motivation. The referral for caesarean section is quite simple – the reason may even be a certificate of too much fear of the future mother about pain or an indication from an ophthalmologist.

The alarming statistics may, however, also be influenced by the growing number of complicated pregnancies – notes DGP.

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