
Brandy brand “Dzhigit” belongs to the Makhachkala winery. Products under this trademark, presented in retail trade, are currently bottled by one of the largest Russian producers of alcoholic beverages – Usovskie Wine and Cognac Cellars. The Dzhigit line is represented by cognacs from three to six years of aging. The assortment portfolio of the State Unitary Enterprise “Makhachkala Winery” also contains ordinary cognacs “Sulak”, “Lux”, “Karat”, “Triumph”, various varieties of vodka.

Historical reference. The formation of the Makhachkala winery was preceded by a rather long history. Initially, in 1921, the Makhachkala winery was created on the basis of former private wineries and vineyards in the city of Port-Petrovsk. In the 30s of the last century, it was reorganized into a winery as part of Dagvintrest. Until the end of the 2000th century, the organization was enlarged, crushed and renamed several times. Finally, in XNUMX, the State Unitary Enterprise “Makhachkala Winery” was established, the property of which is owned by the Republic of Dagestan.

Today, the plant has significantly expanded production capacity, created and equipped with the latest technology quality control laboratory. The company continues to form an assortment portfolio of wines, cognacs, alcoholic beverages. Strong positions among the cognac market leaders, concern for preserving traditions and reputation necessitate investing in viticulture, the development of wine production, and branding.

The company also takes measures aimed at protecting products from falsification: it develops labels with a high degree of protection, uses guala-type caps with a tamper-evident function to seal bottles.

“Usovskie wine and cognac cellars”

The company was built in 1969 on the basis of an old winery and cognac storage facilities, founded at the end of the XNUMXth century. Wine cellars appeared in the village of Usovo due to the fact that the Romanov family estate was also located there. Representatives of the nobility who came to visit willingly tasted the drinks brought by foreign ambassadors and replenished the collection of rare wines and cognacs themselves. After the revolution, the cellars were partially destroyed, then for a long time they were used for other purposes.

The revived plant first specialized in the processing of fruit products, then began to produce ports, vermouths, and table wines. Half a century later, the company has become one of the leaders in the Russian alcohol market. At the beginning of the XNUMXst century, the production of cognacs became a priority activity of the enterprise. The plant develops two directions: it produces its branded line of Usovsky cognac and carries out commercial bottling of Spanish, French and Armenian cognac spirits. In accordance with the concluded license agreements, the company bottles cognacs under the Own Trade Mark (PTM) of a number of Russian and foreign distributors of alcoholic products.

How to distinguish a fake

A careful study of the packaging design, which is characterized by the following features, will help to avoid buying counterfeit alcohol:

  • a classic elongated bottle with sloping shoulders and a concave bottom;
  • in the upper part of the figured label there is an image of a dzhigit galloping on a horse and a national ornament embossed with gold;
  • on the front side there is a relief medallion engraved on the glass, in the center of which there is a sticker indicating the age of the cognac;
  • on the capsule closing the lid and neck there is an inscription – “Dzhigit. Russian cognac.


Types of brandy Dzhigit

“Dzhigit” 3 years, 40%

The blend is made from 3-year-old distillates. The aroma has tones of white plum, slightly smoky dried fruits and spices. The palate reveals a palette of nutty and woody-balsamic tones. The drink will be a worthy addition to sweet desserts, suitable for preparing various cocktails.

“Dzhigit” 5 years, 40%

Assemblage of cognac distillates aged for at least 5 years. The aroma shows a balance between fruitiness and tannins. The taste is rounded with a touch of angelica honey, vanilla chocolate and roasted almonds. The aftertaste is quite long, sweet raisins, dried pears, tart grape skins, old wood are noticeable in it. A good companion for light meats.

“Dzhigit” 6 years, 40%

Aged cognac, blended from selected Dagestan spirits. The bouquet opens with sherry and honey notes, which then give way to vanilla-woody tones. The aroma is very persistent and lasts a long time in the glass. The taste is soft, with smooth tannins, the leading theme is dried fruits, orange marmalade, vanilla cream. In order to appreciate the whole palette of flavors, it is worth serving the drink as a digestif.


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