Dysthymia is a mood disorder defined by chronic depression. This long depression, less severe than clinical depression, nevertheless generates in the patient an impairment of self-esteem, sleep and the ability to concentrate. Psychotherapy combined with drug treatment helps the patient with dysthymia to recover from this lasting illness.
What is dysthymia?
Definition of dysthymia
Formerly called neurotic depression, dysthymia is a mood disorder defined by chronic depression. Dysthymia spans at least two years, and sometimes even decades.
Dysthymia is expressed as well through psychic symptoms – related to anxiety – as behavioral symptoms – personality disorders – or physical symptoms – sleep disorders, digestive. If the patient can live virtually normally, this long depression, less severe than clinical depression, nevertheless generates in the patient an impairment of self-esteem, sleep and the ability to concentrate.
Dysthymia is a milder form of psychotic depression, where the patient loses touch with reality to the point of developing delusions. If left untreated, dysthymia can get worse and progress to major depression. Finally, dysthymia differs from melancholy by its character anchored in time.
Types de dysthymies
There is only one type of dysthymia.
Nevertheless, there is a strong comorbidity – associations of two or more diseases in a person – of dysthymia with anxiety disorders.
Causes of dysthymia
There are many causes of dysthymia:
- A pre-existing personality disorder;
- The presence of unconscious conflicts;
- A dysfunction of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin;
- Genetic vulnerability;
- Professional exhaustion (burn-out);
- Neurotic symptoms – obsessions, phobias;
- And many more
Diagnostic de la dysthymie
The diagnosis of dysthymia is based on the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:
- Depressed mood constant – throughout the day – and permanent – every day;
- Low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy;
- Pessimism, feeling of hopelessness;
- Tired ;
- Sleep disturbance;
- Decreased ability to think and concentrate.
The diagnosis of dysthymia can only be made after two years of observation of the disorder – one year for children and adolescents – with the possibility of periods of normal mood not exceeding two months.
People affected by dysthymia
Dysthymia affects 6% of the population.
It affects both men and women, regardless of age and socio-economic level.
Factors favoring dysthymia
There are many risk factors for dysthymia:
- Financial and social difficulties;
- Loss of a loved one or property;
- Stressful life events;
- High daily stress;
- And many more
Symptoms of dysthymia
Chronic depressed mood
Dysthymia manifests itself through psychic symptoms including chronic depressed mood, feelings of fault, rumination of the past, decreased concentration, activity, low self-esteem and pessimism accompanied by a sense of loss. despair.
Social isolation
Dysthymia causes behavioral symptoms such as excessive irritability – even anger – and can generate social isolation.
Physical ailments
Dysthymia can cause headaches, difficulty falling asleep, dyspepsia – painful sensation or discomfort in the upper abdomen – and fatigue.
Treatments for dysthymia
In the face of dysthymia, several therapeutic solutions are possible:
- Psychotherapy, to work on depressive moods, doubts and loss of self-esteem;
- Taking anti-anxiety medications over a short period of time to manage relative anxiety;
- Longer term use of antidepressants.
While they do not cure dysthymia, some essential oils can also relieve some symptoms:
- Basil essential oil will relieve dyspepsia;
- The essential oil of Ledon from Greenland will alleviate sleep disorders.
Prevent dysthymia
Several actions help prevent dysthymia:
- Continue treatment with antidepressants, even when symptoms improve and the dose is reduced;
- Avoid alcohol and drugs;
- Have a healthy lifestyle – balanced diet, no sleep debt;
- Relax, without advocating idleness all day long;
- Regular moderate physical exercise;
- Exposure to natural light, go out;
- Be gentle with yourself: In a state of depression, a person accomplishes less and this is normal. It is therefore important not to impose too important life goals on yourself;
- Join help and support groups, to be less alone, to confide in and be inspired by other people.