Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»
of movement
The schizoid is often inhibited, dysplastic and inadequate.
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Schizoid Shurik: for this, Alexander Demyanenko even learned dysplasticity.
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The schizoid is dysplastic. He cannot perform one complex action together, but clumsily performs a set of isolated movements. Many actions of the schizoid are perceived as pretentiously funny. With a poke on the bridge of his nose, he adjusted his glasses. But he awkwardly tries to get an object far from him and falls. Let’s compare: a hysteroid, reaching out with her hand to an object, will create a counterbalance — she will stretch her leg in the other direction. The hysteroid performs a complex action without decomposing it into separate movements. He easily, smoothly, seamlessly produces whole combinations of actions in one flowing activity. The epileptoid will come up and calmly take the right thing from the table. He decomposes the action into separate movements, each of which performs as if separately, but still adequately. The schizoid, on the other hand, performs each movement clumsily and cannot merge them into one smooth action.
Due to the dysplasticity of the motor sphere, the schizoid dances poorly and does not strive for it. There are very few schizoids in rhythmic gymnastics, in figure skating, in ballet.
On television, they once said that Gaidai specially retrained the dexterous Alexander Demyanenko: he had to do everything awkwardly. As a result, in the end, the «schizoid» Shurik turned out.
Schizoids find it difficult to communicate with objects. I did not make a reservation when I said «communication». Objects, like people, have their bad character.
Yuri Olesha in the novel «Envy» displays a schizoid in the image of the protagonist Nikolai Kavalerov. “I always have a difficult relationship with a blanket … If some kind of rubbish — a coin or a cufflink — falls off the table, then it usually rolls under furniture that is difficult to move away.»
And in the objective world, the schizoid acquires skills with great difficulty. If he is carrying a chair, he will bang it against the wall (or the mirror). His hacksaw gets stuck in a log. And sawing with someone with a two-handed saw is even more difficult for him. He smokes his cigarette to the ground, fingers covered in nicotine. If the schizoid carries a kettle, you must stay away from him. But if you are far away, he will scald himself. The gas is ignited with a gas lighter for cigarettes — and burned. If he gives a woman a coat, then his long coat can “sweep the floor” for a long time, and he will raise the short one to such a height that the lady has to twist her arms.
Body type
The schizoid, as a rule, has a dysplastic physique (but a harmonious variant is not so rare). Whether thin-thin, weighty-fat — dysplastic! Hyperthymia — one proportionally, evenly complete. And the overweight schizoid also has additionally protruding large lips. No neck and narrow shoulders to boot. However, the schizoid is more often a pole. A schizoid, unlike a hysteroid, may have no waist. In general, the «relief of the body» (flat buttocks, small breasts) is less pronounced, which is associated with their complex relationship with the material side of the world and physicality as a special case of this. Stoop, regardless of height and age, fingers with thickened joints, flat feet.
The face of a schizoid with a more pronounced asymmetry than usual. In fact, in all people the face has a certain asymmetry, even in epileptoids and hysteroids. But in this case, a noticeable difference between the right and left half is more common. Right-handers have larger right face details, left-handers have larger left ones, but the asymmetry is clearly noticeable. The eyes may be too sunken, too wide or too close together, too small or too large. The outer corners of the eyes are strongly lowered down, the wrinkle of «concentration» is too deep due to the fact that the eyebrows are exaggeratedly shifted. The nose is elongated, sometimes overhanging, or, on the contrary, shortened or of an unusual shape. The bridge of the nose is missing or too deep. The chin is pushed forward or too small. There may be an overbite.
The skin of the face is earthy in color, with black dots (comedones), with blackheads, pimples, gives the impression of neglect.
His ears are also non-standard: there are no lobes, the auricle of an unusual shape, “turned inside out” or protruding, the auricles are asymmetrical.