Dyspepsia (Functional digestive disorders)

This sheet deals with functional digestive disorders and their symptoms. Specific problems, such as food intolerances and allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroenteritis, celiac disease, constipation, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, and gastroesophageal reflux disease cause it to occur. subject of separate files.

Functional digestive disorders and dyspepsia: what are they?

Functional digestive disorders are disorders for which there is no proven lesion, but troublesome functioning of the digestive system. There are several types, the digestive upset stomach (loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, belching, bloating), which is often called dyspepsia, And digestive disorders of the intestine (bloating, intestinal gas, etc.) which are frequent problems.

La dyspepsia, this feeling of gravity, “overflow” or bloating accompanied bybelching rôts), or pain above the umbilicus that occurs during or after meals, is found in 25% to 40% of adults1. As to gas intestinal emitted as wind (pets), let us be reassured, they occur in practically everyone, from 6 to 20 times per day vary from 300 ml to 1 liter / day.

What is digestion?

Digestion is a biological process in which people foodstuffs are degraded and transformed into assimilable nutrients which then pass through the intestinal wall to enter the bloodstream.

Digestion begins in the mouth, where food is crushed and mixed with saliva, and then continues in the stomach, which secretes digestive juices acids, continuing to degrade and grind the food for a few hours. When exiting the stomach, predigested foods (called chyme) continue to be broken down in the intestine by digestive juices from the pancreas and gallbladder. Nutrients pass through the wall of the intestine and travel through the blood to be used by the body. What has not been absorbed, added to the dead cells of the intestinal wall becomes the fecal matter in the colon.



A bad nutrition or overeating is probably the primary cause ofdigestive discomfort. For example, in some people, eating fatty, sweet or spicy foods, drinking carbonated drinks, coffee or alcohol irritates the digestive system and causes pain. Too large a meal can cause functional digestive disorders sometimes referred to as a “liver crisis” in popular parlance, or indigestion.

Digestive disorders have a varied presentation :

  • The feeling of overflow, is often caused by the ingestion oftoo much or very fatty foods which slow down digestion.
  • The stomach pains
  • Burns behind the breastbone (retro-sternal) are the main symptom of gastroesophageal reflux.
  • The abdominal pain remote meals may be due :

* when they occur just after a meal excess food;

*but when they occur at a distance from meals, it is necessary to remember to detect a possible stomach ulcer, wound on the lining of the stomach or duodenum), See our stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer fact sheet.

  • The belching (burping) after a meal is normal. They are usually caused by the expulsion of air coming from the upper part of the stomach and directly related to the ingestion of air.

    – while eating ;

    – by drinking too quickly or by drinking through a straw;

    – by chewing gum (= gum);

    – by the consumption of carbonated drinks releasing a large quantity of carbon dioxide.

Ingesting too much air can also be the cause of hiccough.

However, these belching can also be linked to an attack on the lining of the stomach or the esophagus (esophagitis, gastritis, ulcer) which justifies an opinion with a specialist doctor and an endoscopy in case of persistence. .

  • The flatulence (intestinal gas), emitted as wind (pets), are also a normal phenomenon. The most common causes of intestinal gas are:

    – theingestion d’air while eating or drinking. If the air is not belched, it will follow the same course as the food;

    – the type of food and drinks. Certain foods rich in carbohydrates (such as crucifers, dry peas, starches, apples, etc.) ferment, producing more gas than others;

    – the slow intestinal transit which allows food to ferment more in the intestine.

    They are an integral part of irritable bowel syndrome. More rarely, gas will be a symptom of diseases of the mucous membrane, such as inflammatory diseases (Crohn’s or UC), celiac disease or food intolerance, the best known being that to lactose.

  • The bloating are caused by the presence of gas in the intestines and correspond to intestinal distension. They are the consequence of various causes: irritable bowel, constipation, a side effect of drugs or nutritional supplements (particularly containing dairy products).

After 50 years any untimely bloating, a modification of the transit, justifies a specialist opinion, and an endoscopy (colonoscopy). Only this examination will make it possible to eliminate a disease of the colonic mucosa, and to confirm the diagnosis of “irritable bowel” also called “functional colopathy”.

  • The stomach pains and sternum pain is the main symptom of gastroesophageal reflux. Consult our gastroesophageal reflux data sheet.
  • The abdominal pain can be due to an excess of food, but it is necessary to remember to detect a possible stomach ulcer. It is a sore present on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, which causes pain and cramps after meals. Consult our Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer fact sheet.

Other common causes of digestive disorders

  • When symptoms come on suddenly and are accompanied by general discomfort, the most likely cause is gastrointestinal infection or a food poisoning. This is called gastroenteritis. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are the most common symptoms. The persistence of the disorders should lead to a consultation with a gastroenterologist in order to detect a complication of the diarrhea (dehydration) or another cause, medical or surgical, such as an attack of appendicitis.
  • Many pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics, aspirin, or painkillers (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), can cause stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation.
  • Anxiety and stress are sometimes enough to trigger digestive problems.

The “so-called” disorders functional

Despite extensive medical examinations, the doctor may not find any cause to explain the digestive disorders. The pain, discomfort or symptoms are nevertheless present, but they are functional, due to a functional problem and not to a disease or an organic lesion.

For “upper” stomach disorders, we speak of “functional dyspepsia” and for “low” colic disorders “functional colopathy” or “irritable bowel”.

In some people with functional dyspepsia, the stomach does not distend as it should after a meal, resulting in a feeling of overflow.

When to consult?

even though digestive disorders are usually harmless, certain warning signs should prompt you to consult a doctor quickly. Here are a few :

  • Sudden onset of digestive disorders without obvious explanations;
  • Very severe abdominal pain, in ” stab »;
  • If the symptoms persist or are too bothersome;
  • If symptoms occur when returning from a trip
  • If symptoms occur after taking a new medicine.
  • Difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing;
  • Nausea vomiting leading to food intolerance;
  • Weightloss ;

More serious signs:

  • Presence of blood in vomiting or in stool;
  • Presence of fever ;
  • Jaundice or yellowish discoloration of the eyes;
  • Dehydration (cramps, hollow eyes, infrequent urge to urinate, dry mouth, etc.);


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