Dyspepsia (dyspepsia) – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Dyspepsia (indigestion) is a chronic problem of the digestive system, which may be caused by other diseases (we distinguish between organic and functional dyspepsia. The symptoms of dyspepsia are not characteristic, they include nausea, abdominal pain, belching, therefore the diagnosis requires a detailed interview with the patient.

What is dyspepsia and what are its causes?

Dyspepsia is indigestion, which derives significantly from the Greek language and literally means bad digestion. Dyspepsia is defined as a number of chronic ailments from the digestive system and a set of symptoms located in the middle epigastrium. People suffering from indigestion may experience a feeling of fullness, pain, a burning sensation in the epigastrium and a quick feeling of fullness.

Types of dyspepsia

  1. organic dyspepsia – occurs as a result of gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric or duodenal peptic ulcers, and less often chronic pancreatitis or biliary tract inflammation; in some cases, dyspepsia indicates the presence of a stomach tumor; It can also occur as a result of side effects of some medications, e.g. anti-rheumatic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and iron and potassium preparations.
  2. functional dyspepsia – the causes of its formation are not entirely clear, it is not caused by a specific disease; various hypotheses are taken into account, e.g. poor reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to external stimuli or incorrect contractility of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract; Two categories of disorders can be distinguished in functional dyspepsia: epigastric pain syndrome and postprandial disorders.

Conditions contributing to indigestion:

  1. acute hepatitis,
  2. gastric and duodenal ulcers,
  3. digestive tract ailments,
  4. inflammation of the pancreas,
  5. Crohn’s disease,
  6. intestinal ischemia,
  7. diseases of the bile ducts,
  8. medications you are taking (oral antibiotics, iron or potassium salts),
  9. drinking alcohol,
  10. myocardial infarction,
  11. abdominal aortic aneurysm,
  12. diabetes,
  13. hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

The frequency of indigestion

Dyspepsia is a common condition that affects people all over the world. About 40 percent. all patients are diagnosed with specific causes of the disease, while the remaining patients are treated as suffering from functional dyspepsia. Due to the fact that the disease is quite popular, it is worth starting prophylaxis. This can be done with the help of dietary supplements. At Medonet Market, you can now buy turmeric extract – a dietary supplement for inflammation, which is one of the causes of dyspepsia. As an aid, rosebud tea can be used for indigestion.

Dyspepsia (dyspepsia) – symptoms

Symptoms of dyspepsia (indigestion) are non-specific but chronic symptoms that last up to several months. Belong to them:

  1. nausea,
  2. heartburn,
  3. belching with an unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth,
  4. vomiting,
  5. trouble passing stools, usually in the form of diarrhea
  6. the presence of too much fermentation gas in the digestive tract.

For bothersome symptoms of indigestion, fennel can help, which you will find in Pukka Three Fennel – fennel tea.

The complex of these symptoms may appear as an independent disease entity (the so-called non-ulcerative dyspepsia), or as a complex of symptoms accompanying many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms of dyspepsia most often appear:

  1. after overeating, especially with heavy and fatty foods,
  2. in people suffering from chronic gastritis (most often is acidic),
  3. chronic inflammation of the bile ducts or pancreas,
  4. in post-inflammatory states of impaired liver function,
  5. in stomach or duodenal ulcers,
  6. in chronic intestinal diseases,
  7. gastrointestinal tumors, etc.

For indigestion and other ailments related to the digestive system, try LaxiCortex for the digestive system Herbal Monasterium – a dietary supplement available on Medonet Market individually or in a set of three packages of 15 capsules.

Dyspepsia (dyspepsia) and diagnosis

The foreground is to conduct a medical interview with the patient, during which information is obtained about the medications taken and concomitant diseases. However, an interview with the patient does not identify the type of indigestion (functional, organic). It is usually performed endoscopic examination esophagus, stomach and duodenum. It should be performed urgently, when the patient is losing weight quickly, complains of night abdominal pain, has anemia, trouble swallowing or bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also worth undergoing preventive examinations to help determine if your digestive system is functioning properly. At Medonet Market, purchase today a test package for digestive system diseases in a version with blood sampling at a selected facility or at your own home.

Another tests performed in the diagnosis of dyspepsia:

  1. Abdominal ultrasound,
  2. blood chemistry,
  3. blood count.

In young children, the diagnosis is extended when disturbing symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, growth inhibition or dysphagia appear.

Digestive problems appear primarily in people over 40. So if you want to support the digestive system, try a dietary supplement that supports its work. A large selection of these types of supplements can be found on the Medonet Market. Check the offer.

We also recommend FOR GOOD DIGESTION – herbal set, which includes:

  1. KURKUMA + capsules with piperine,
  2. fix tea FOR STOMACH,
  3. elixir FROM ARTICHOKE.

Treatment of dyspepsia

There is no uniform treatment regimen for functional dyspepsia. On the other hand, in organic dyspepsia, first stop taking the preparations causing symptoms and start treating the disease causing the symptoms of dyspepsia.

The most popular treatments for dyspepsia include:

1. Change in lifestyle and diet – patients with indigestion should avoid rushing meals; Food intake should be started after a short rest and e.g. warming up earlier (when we are cold). In addition, it is recommended to eat 3-4 meals a day, the last of which should be around three hours before bedtime. It is also important to avoid heavy foods that are prepared in the frying process. In addition, herbal medicines, such as mint, linseed and St. John’s wort, show a good effect. A balanced diet can be supported with supplements. For example, use Calamus Worm Syrup to help maintain intestinal balance.

Home pre-treatment procedure

  1. For 2-3 days, implement a diet that relieves the digestive system (biscuits, bitter tea, then wheat semolina, and then an easily digestible and not abundant diet for a few days).
  2. Support the digestive processes in the digestive tract, that is, drink 1/2 cup of an infusion of St. John’s wort or mint leaves before a meal (try, for example, Pukka Three Mint – mint tea).
  3. Use infusions of ready-made herbal mixtures between meals.

You can also use the Wormwood herb or ECO angelica root, which alleviate the symptoms of dyspepsia by supporting digestive processes. We also recommend Kombucha Wellness with rose for better digestion and immunity.

2. Pharmacological treatment based on the intake of preparations:

  1. protecting the gastric mucosa,
  2. inhibiting the secretion of hydrochloric acid, e.g. omeprazole, ranitidine, esomeprazole, pantoprazole,
  3. diastolic (especially when pain is the dominant symptom),
  4. prokinetic,
  5. antidepressants (in the case of depressive disorders).

The above-mentioned measures are symptomatic treatments that alleviate the symptoms. As previously mentioned, the true causes of functional dyspepsia remain unknown. Of course, there are patients in whom these drugs do not give any treatment effects. Then it is necessary to re-diagnose, and sometimes it is enough to change the diet and psychotherapy. Many indigestion patients dictate what they should and should not eat.

Can indigestion be completely cured?

In many patients, symptoms of dyspepsia disappear within a few months or years. For others, however, symptoms may last a lifetime. However, it is said that functional dyspepsia does not shorten life and does not lead to a serious disease. It impairs the quality of our life to some extent, but it does not constitute grounds for applying for a sick leave or an invalidity pension. After treatment, when symptoms recur or persist, periodic contact with the doctor is recommended (about four times a year). Sometimes it may be necessary to perform follow-up examinations (endoscopic, ultrasound).

Herbal teas can be used to support indigestion-related ailments. At Medonet Market you can buy Ginger Lemon Bio Yogi Tea or the strengthening HeartWarming Bio Yogi Tea at a discounted price. We also recommend Pukka Lemongrass & Ginger – tea with lemongrass and ginger

Can dyspepsia be prevented?

Until we know the specific cause of indigestion, it is difficult to prevent in specific ways. However, it is important to talk about indigestion problems in front of children, who then imitate their parents and report similar symptoms.

Read also: Remedies for indigestion


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