Dwarf conifers

Small conifers are very popular among summer residents. Their size allows you to place several plants at once on one site. Frost resistance and ease of care make it possible to grow such dwarf forms in almost any climate.

Pros and cons of low conifers

When they talk about low conifers for suburban areas, they mean plants whose size is too small and uncharacteristic for this species. But such a definition cannot be called accurate, because if a tree in the wild reaches 20 m, and some of its varieties only 10 m, they will not be considered dwarf because of this. They are called small conifers if, in their adult state, their height does not exceed human height, and their width does not exceed the span of their arms.

Gardeners are attracted by the dwarf form of conifers with a number of advantages:

  • they are an exact copy of tall trees, including all their stages of development;
  • do not take up much space, which allows you to place several coniferous trees and shrubs on a relatively small area;
  • compositions of dwarf plants do not lose their decorative appearance all year round;
  • ideal for planting in rockeries;
  • well tolerate wintering;
  • they can be kept in containers and create various New Year’s compositions.

Dwarf conifers

Despite the obvious advantages of mini conifers, they also have some disadvantages:

  • weak resistance to fungal diseases, which requires careful removal of dried parts of the plant and treatment with fungicides;
  • the shape of the crown suffers, because in the spring there is a risk of branches breaking;
  • many dwarf varieties have a short lifespan;
  • difficult to propagate by cuttings;
  • there is a risk of damage to the needles from the bright spring sun.

But gardeners do not refuse small conifers for their summer cottages, because they are very decorative. And with proper care, these plants will not cause problems.

Dwarf conifers in landscape design

In modern gardening, dwarf conifers are at the peak of their popularity. They are the decoration of any personal plot. There are connoisseurs who collect entire collections of dwarf firs, spruces, pines and other representatives of the species.

The most successful in growing small conifers in Holland. They offer a conditional classification of conifers:

  • plump – growth is up to 30 cm per year, at the age of 10 years such coniferous crops reach a height of 3 m;
  • medium-sized (semi-dwarf) – their size ranges from 15 to 30 cm;
  • dwarfish – not higher than 15 cm;
  • mini dwarf — up to 10 cm;
  • microdwarf – no more than 5 cm.

Small conifers are used almost everywhere: single or group plantings, flower beds, containers. Often they are located at the entrance to the house. Dwarf conifers for the garden will attract attention in any type of landscape.

Advice! When buying small forms of trees, you should carefully study the name – the label should contain the form nana, dwarf or prostrata.

Experienced gardeners determine at a glance how much a dwarf tree can grow, which allows it to be correctly positioned on the site.

Types and varieties of undersized conifers for a summer cottage

Each species of undersized conifers has many varieties, which allows you to choose the right one for a particular landscape. They are all decorative and differ in size and shades of needles. So small plants will fit even on a small plot of land. Below are the names and photos of the main undersized conifers in the garden.

Pine trees

Dwarf pine representatives have a spreading crown and needles collected in small bunches. The number of needles in bunches differs for each variety. Needles are changed every few years. Pine are the most unpretentious conifers. It is important to ensure proper fit and care in the first year of life. Such plants love light, tolerate frost and drought well.

Small forms of mountain pine are popular with gardeners: the Gnom variety with long needles and a spherical crown, grows up to 1 m; varieties Mops and Ophir reach only 0,5 m in height.

Grade gnome on the picture:

Dwarf conifers


Very often, dwarf variants of spruces are used in landscape gardening, as well as in summer cottages. The most common:

  1. Undersized form of common spruce Little gem – has a flat-rounded crown, annually gives an increase in growth of about 2-3 cm and reaches 10 m by the age of 0,5 years.

    Dwarf conifers

  2. The miniature format of Canadian spruce is represented by varieties Laurin with a crown in the form of a narrow cone, spherical Echiniformis and Alberta Globe, which looks like a hemisphere. Up to 2 cm are added per year, and at the age of ten their growth is only 0,4 m.

    Ale Laurin on the picture:

    Dwarf conifers

  1. Variety of prickly spruce – nest-shaped spruce dwarf variety Nidiformis.

    Dwarf conifers

    So named because of its crown shape with a slightly flattened top. Each year it adds 3-4 cm in height, but mostly in width. The height of this conifer rarely exceeds 1 m.

  2. Grade Maxwellii – the smallest representative of prickly spruce, reaches only 0,6 m. Thanks to these parameters, the conifer is often grown in containers as a Christmas tree.


Junipers are represented by many dwarf forms. The most popular of them:

  • Wiltonii – grows only up to 10 cm and adds to the height very slowly. Recommended for planting in large groups or singly, but among large stones.

    Dwarf conifers

  • Green Carpet – the height of the plant is around 10-15 cm, but the juniper spreads to the sides by 1,5 m. The needles are not prickly, undemanding to watering, withstands severe frosts well.

    Dwarf conifers

  • Repanda – dwarf creeping juniper, 30 cm high and about 1 m wide. It has soft needles and a flat crown. It is also used for landscaping roofs, withstands harsh conditions.

    Dwarf conifers

  • Spotty Spreader – creeping dwarf conifer up to 20 cm tall, growing 2 m wide. In the sun, the ends of the shoots become creamy.

    Dwarf conifers

  • Compact Pfitzerian – bushes grow up to 30 cm and spread 2 m around. It adds quickly, the needles are soft, there are no hard shoots, which makes it look like a soft grassy lawn.

    Dwarf conifers


Dwarf larches are represented by such varieties as Larix decidua, Compacta, Kornik, Marta Radek. The latter is the most popular, it has a spherical crown, is grown in a standard form, reaching 1 m in height.

Variety Marta Radek is shown in the photo:

Dwarf conifers


Cypress conifers are mostly thermophilic, but there are also cold-resistant varieties. Most dwarf trees are very tiny, however, shrubs are also found in this group. In any case, their size allows you to plant undersized options on the plots, they look very impressive. There are two types of cypress conifers:

  • with yellow needles they are located in well-lit places;
  • with green needles Suitable for growing in light shade.

Most often, gardeners can meet dwarf thuja. The Amber Glow variety is interesting for its golden hue of needles and small size – its height is only 1 m. The eastern thuja has an undersized Aurea Nana variety. These small conifers have a dense oval crown with many branches and a sharp crown. The needles are golden-green in color during the warm period and bronze during the cold. Western thuja is represented by several dwarf varieties – Caespitosa, Danica and Hoseri.

Amber Glow variety with a golden hue:

Dwarf conifers


Fir is a fast growing conifer. Usually they are placed in partial shade, in areas protected from the winds. The soil should be moist, and good drainage should be provided. Caring for small firs is simple and includes loosening the soil and timely sanitary pruning.

Attention! For the winter, it makes sense to cover these conifers with spruce branches only in the first year of life.

The most famous dwarf varieties are balsam fir Nana and Korean Tundra.

Fir Nana:

Dwarf conifers

A type of low-growing conifer – Tundra fir:

Dwarf conifers


Canadian hemlock has a small form, the height of which does not exceed 1 m in adulthood. Shoots grow to the sides, spreading quite strongly at the same time, and their tips look down. The needles of the dwarf conifer are about 2 cm in size, green and shiny. The plant loves moist soil, well tolerates being in the shade and severe frosts.

Dwarf conifers

Features of growing undersized varieties of conifers

Small forms of conifers have growing rules common to all species. Landing is carried out in late April or early May, depending on climatic conditions. Usually, dwarf forms of seedlings are purchased in specialized stores, and it must be ensured that the quality of the material is high. The main thing is to check the integrity of the earthy coma, it must be at least ⅓ of the entire seedling, otherwise the plant may not take root. It is worth paying attention to the rich color of the needles of the conifer and their elasticity, these indicators indicate the good quality of the seedling.

Advice! The best temporary packing for the root system of dwarf conifers is burlap.

Landing is carried out in this way:

  • the pit should be slightly larger than an earthen coma;
  • a mound is poured in the center, reaching up to ⅔ of the height of the pit;
  • a conifer seedling is placed on top of the embankment, and the roots are neatly straightened along its slopes;
  • then the plant is buried, simultaneously ramming the soil;
  • the seedling is well watered;
  • dry earth should be poured around the trunk;
  • the final stage of planting is mulching the soil with peat.

Caring for dwarf conifers involves watering them, sanitary and, if necessary, decorative pruning. In winter, it is worth removing excess snow so that it does not break thin branches and trunk.

Basically, dwarf conifers are prone to such diseases:

  1. Brown Shutte – a very common ailment, it is a fungus that affects mainly young specimens. The needles become brown and covered with a gray-black coating. It is treated with preparations containing copper and fungicides.

    Dwarf conifers

  2. Rust – orange spots appear due to the fungus, which then turn into brown growths. Slow down the growth and development of the tree. Used drugs such as Fitosporin-M and Abiga-Peak.

    Dwarf conifers

  3. Gray mold or rot – a gray mycelium appears on the needles. Fungicides are effective against it.

    Dwarf conifers

  4. Fuzarioz – the fungus provokes the drying of the plant. The needles begin to turn yellow, become rough to the touch and crumble. The whole plant dries out. It is almost impossible to cure a tree; Fundazol is used for prevention.

    Dwarf conifers

Pests of small forms of conifers include:

  1. Bark beetle – lives under the bark, making many moves there. They live mainly in forest plantations and can spread from there to the summer cottage. The insect chooses weak trees that die as a result of such an invasion. They fight the pest with the help of special preparations.

    Dwarf conifers

  2. Sawfly – under this name, many insects are combined, attacking mainly spruce and pine. Pests eat shoots that dry and break. Get rid of them using special preparations or a solution of ash.

    Dwarf conifers

  3. Hermes – parasitic insects that drink the juice of plants. Seals form on the tree, branches are also deformed, and buds are destroyed. The method of struggle is insecticides.

    Dwarf conifers

  4. Shchitovka – attack dwarf arborvitae, yews and junipers. The needles turn brown, then turn yellow and fly around. The tree becomes weaker and dies. Insecticides are effective against scale insects. From folk remedies, onion peel is suitable.

    Dwarf conifers


Small conifers will decorate any site. Even novice gardeners can handle the care. And for those who do not have a plot outside the city, forms grown in containers are perfect.

Dwarf conifers. Country wisdom. 3 Release

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