Every gardener dreams of abundant harvests in their personal plots. Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate, due to its compact size, allows you to place more trees in a small area. Excellent productivity and unpretentiousness in care makes the choice of this variety very obvious.

Description of the dwarf cherry variety Winter Pomegranate

This type of fruit tree appeared relatively recently. The Winter Pomegranate cherry variety is the result of selection by foreign farmers and scientists. Despite the short period of fame, the variety has proven itself well in home gardens in Our Country and neighboring countries.

Initially, this species was bred under regions with a continental climate. It perfectly tolerates hot summers and harsh winters. In Our Country, the dwarf cherry variety Winter Pomegranate can be grown in most regions – from the Moscow region to Vladivostok. The only exceptions are the northern regions, where the average temperature in summer does not fall below 10 degrees.

Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate: variety description, reviews, photos

Winter pomegranate reaches a height of no more than 2 meters

Among other types of dwarf cherries, this one stands out for its decorative component. A feature of the plant is an incredibly beautiful flowering period. With the correct formation of the crown, the inflorescences of white and pink color delight the eye with lush colors.

Height and dimensions of an adult tree

Like most dwarf species, the cherry is small in size. The height of an adult plant reaches 1.5-1.8 m. Such dimensions provide convenience when pruning and collecting ripe fruits.

Important! On good soils, with all the necessary fertilizers, the tree height can reach two meters or more.

The trunk is divided into several main branches, from which neat shoots extend in all directions. Proper pruning, necessary to form a crown and improve fruiting, allows you to get a lush tree. Green mass in diameter can reach 1.5-2 meters.

Description of fruits

A feature of the variety, for which he received his poetic name, is the ability of the berries to remain on the branches until the onset of cold weather. The fruits do not fall off, holding on the stalks until the end of October. They have a dense peel that protects them from the scorching sun, preventing baking. Among other characteristics of berries are:

  • fruit weight 3.5-4 g;
  • very small bone
  • sweet taste with noticeable sourness;
  • ruby to maroon color.

It is worth noting that the prepared berry juice will contain about 14% sugar in its composition. Such indicators mean the absence of cloying. The fruits of this variety have the most balanced taste among their relatives.

Does Cherry Winter Pomegranate Need Pollinators?

The variety is self-pollinated. Even in the absence of other trees on personal plots, you can count on a fairly plentiful harvest. The best pollination occurs when there are several plants of the variety nearby.

Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate: variety description, reviews, photos

Cherry variety Winter pomegranate – self-pollinated

Important! Even in the absence of bees, 20 to 40% of the flowers will self-fertilize.

Flowering begins in spring – in late April or early May. It lasts about 2-3 weeks. Depending on the weather, the conditions of the tree and the presence of natural pollinators, up to 90-95% of the flowers can become berries.

Main characteristics

Since Winter Pomegranate is a fairly young variety, bred with the help of scientific breeding, it combines most of the modern achievements. It was grown specifically for the northern regions, so it is characterized by high frost resistance and survival. The tree is unpretentious to the soil and the surrounding air.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Variety Winter Pomegranate was bred specifically for regions with cold winters. According to experienced agricultural technicians, this species easily tolerates temperatures of 40-45 degrees below zero. Of course, such extreme conditions should not be too long, otherwise the yield of the tree next summer may be significantly reduced.

The variety is quite stress-resistant, it can easily endure a long time without watering. Despite the fact that the tree is small, its roots go deep into the soil. The shallow occurrence of groundwater allows the tree to have a source of water and not need watering.


The dwarf cherry begins to bear its first fruits in the third year from the moment of planting. However, the first few seasons, the harvests will not please with abundance. The maximum volume of berries the tree will begin to bring from 6-7 years. Yield and fruiting start time can vary significantly depending on the region and plant care.

Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate: variety description, reviews, photos

Up to 10 kg of berries can be removed from one cherry

The fruits acquire a ruby ​​color already by the 2-3rd decade of July. It’s best to wait about 2-3 weeks for them to turn maroon and sweeter. The maximum yield from one dwarf tree is up to 10 kg.

Important! Some gardeners start harvesting in July. During this period, the fruits are still not sweet enough and ripe.

Berries are used for making fruit desserts, compotes and as a separate dish. Cherry Winter pomegranate is also used for preparations for the winter – jams, marmalade and marshmallows. Due to the dense skin, the fruits lend themselves perfectly to storage, transportation and freezing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the data presented, it is possible to form several main advantages of growing winter pomegranate dwarf cherries.

When growing such a fruit tree, farmers receive:

  • high productivity in a continental climate;
  • ease of transportation and storage of berries;
  • frost resistance;
  • early fruiting.

Despite all the apparent advantages of the Winter Pomegranate dwarf cherry, it has one serious drawback. In a warm climate, it cannot compete with other varieties bred specifically for such regions. In the south of Our Country and Ukraine, it is better to grow other types of cherries, which can benefit a lot from the amount of sun.

Rules of landing

The secret to the future health of dwarf cherries Winter pomegranate is the right seedling. It is best to use 1-2 year old specimens with a well-developed root system. The stem should be straight with several branches.

Important! A young seedling is easier to take root in new conditions for him. Planting an adult plant most often ends with its death.
Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate: variety description, reviews, photos

It is best to purchase seedlings from professional nurseries.

Despite the fact that the dwarf tree is unpretentious to the ground, cherry grows best in loose soil, which has good breathability. If the earth is loamy or sandy, additional fertilizers are applied to it. Richer black earth soils do not require the addition of additives and chemicals.

Recommended dates

An important part of the procedure is the preparation of the landing pit. In order for the soil to be saturated with oxygen as much as possible, the place must be prepared in the fall. The selected site is cleared of weeds and roots of former fruit trees. For the Winter Pomegranate Dwarf Cherry, it is not necessary to dig too large a hole – a sufficient size is 60x60x60 cm.

Important! Before planting, you need to make sure that there are no frosts in the coming week. Frost can destroy fragile cherry roots.

Like other dwarf trees, Winter Pomegranate should be planted outdoors in the spring. As soon as the snow is completely gone, and the soil warms up enough, you can start planting. In the middle lane, the ideal time for landing is the 2nd decade of April. In colder latitudes, dwarf cherries can be planted at the end of the month.

Site selection and soil preparation

Properly planted cherries will please the gardener with rapid growth, abundant flowering and an excellent harvest. The selection of a landing site must be taken carefully. The dwarf variety loves the sun, so it is worth planting a plant in the southern parts of the site. There must be plenty of light. You should not plant Winter Pomegranate in the shade of the house and outbuildings, as well as behind taller trees.

Important! Do not place dwarf cherries next to conifers – this can cause Winter Pomegranate diseases.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare favorable soil for the future tree. Half of the land from the landing pit is mixed with 300 g of superphosphate and 100 g of wood ash. The resulting mixture fill the bottom of the recess. Only after that, seedlings of dwarf cherries are planted.

How to plant

Before planting a dwarf cherry, it is necessary to carefully examine the seedling. Dry and broken branches are cut with secateurs and treated with garden pitch. It is also worth inspecting the roots to remove rotten parts. Dwarf cherry seedling Winter pomegranate is inspected for pests. When they are found, trees must be treated with a special insecticide.

Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate: variety description, reviews, photos

The best time to plant cherries is mid-April

Gardening experts advise activating the root system before planting. To do this, the seedling is placed in a bucket of water a day before planting. The greatest effect is achieved by adding a special root growth stimulator to the liquid.

Seedlings are placed in pits filled with special soil so that the root collar protrudes slightly above the soil level. After that, the roots are sprinkled with leafy soil. Each tree must be watered abundantly – the volume of liquid should be 20-30 liters.

Features of care

Caring for dwarf cherries is the key to a healthy tree. Despite the fact that the Winter Pomegranate is quite unpretentious, timely care will allow you to get impressive yields. The main concerns of the gardener include:

  • timely watering of dwarf cherries;
  • regular application of the necessary fertilizers;
  • tree pruning;
  • preparation for the winter period.

In order for the tree to grow actively, the Winter Pomegranate needs to provide improved air flow to the root system. To do this, 2-3 times a year, it is necessary to loosen the trunk circles. Their diameter should be from 60 to 90 cm.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Timely watering ensures that the plant receives the necessary nutrients. The first watering is done in the spring, when the earth warms up by 5-10 degrees. Under each dwarf cherry pour from 15 to 20 liters of water. Further watering depends on the weather. In extremely dry months, care must be taken to ensure sufficient soil moisture levels around the Winter Pomegranate.

Important! In the first year, you do not need to make additional dressings, since the soil has been prepared in advance for planting.

During the growing season, dwarf cherries need to be fertilized with special fertilizers several times. Before flowering, nitrogen supplements are added to the soil. In summer, organic fertilizers are periodically introduced. In autumn, to restore the mineral balance of the soil, it is fertilized with potassium, phosphorus and calcium.


To maintain health and increase the fruiting of the Winter Pomegranate dwarf cherry, you need to take care of the condition of its crown. Periodic sanitary and formative pruning will allow you to control the development of the plant. The first time such a procedure is carried out immediately after planting the seedling. Cut off all branches that are at a distance of half a meter from ground level.

Dwarf cherry Winter pomegranate: variety description, reviews, photos

Proper pruning is the key to a beautiful crown

Every spring it is necessary to remove dead shoots. Formative pruning is carried out in March or early April – before the start of sap flow inside the dwarf cherry. Pruning sites are treated with garden pitch or wood ash.

Preparation for winter

As already mentioned, Winter Pomegranate is able to easily withstand even severe frosts. In the European part of Our Country, gardeners may even refrain from preparing young trees for wintering. If the temperature does not fall below -15 degrees, the cherry will cope with the frost on its own.

An important parameter of wintering is the amount of snowfall. With its insufficient volume and low temperature, the soil may freeze, and the trunk may crack. To avoid such consequences, it is better to cover it with burlap or other dense fabric.

Diseases and pests

Like most artificially bred varieties, Winter Pomegranate Dwarf Cherry boasts excellent resistance to most diseases. To completely eliminate them, as well as protect the tree from pests, it is necessary to carry out a simple set of measures:

  • whitewashing trunks in spring;
  • treatment with karbofos from aphids;
  • processing “Aktara” from weevil larvae;
  • autumn digging of tree trunks and removal of fallen leaves.

The most common disease of dwarf cherries is moniliosis. If the initial stage is missed, this fungal disease can completely destroy the tree. The disease can be noticed immediately – most often it appears on neighboring fruit plantations. Winter pomegranate in such cases is treated with a fungicidal agent.


Dwarf Cherry Winter Pomegranate is an artificially bred variety that is excellent for growing in continental climates. Timely care of the plant allows you to constantly get large yields.


Valentina Sergeeva, 49 years old, Vologda.
I first heard about this variety a few years ago from my neighbor, who is passionate about gardening. 4 years after planting received the first harvest. Berries are very juicy, tasty and sweet. We make jam from them. Husband and sons just adore him.
Ivan Dokuchaev, 52 years old, Izhevsk.
For his garden plot, he specially chose dwarf trees. The city nursery recommended the Winter Pomegranate variety. The first berries appeared 3 years after planting. Unlike other varieties, this cherry survives our winter perfectly.
Felt cherry

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