Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Our Country is a country of risky farming. In some regions, snow can fall in May, and therefore the cultivation of popular vegetable crops is always difficult, especially when it comes to open ground. Summer residents start buying seeds in the winter, and almost all of our citizens take up the cultivation of popular cucumbers and tomatoes. Let’s talk about tomato seeds. The varieties of Dutch selection presented on the market have already managed to gain popularity. Let’s figure out which of them can be considered the best.

Dutch varieties of tomatoes

To choose the right seeds, you need to determine which parameters are important to you:

  • productivity;
  • fruit size and taste;
  • growth type of tomato bush;
  • resistance to diseases and viruses;
  • use of products;
  • commodity qualities.

Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

During the Soviet period, there were no problems with seeds on the territory of our country. Tomatoes have always been in high esteem. Until now, some varieties from that time are planted on our sites. However, with the fall of the Iron Curtain, imported seeds began to arrive on the shelves of Our Country. Not all of them were of good quality, but today the regulation of the market works at the proper level, so a large number of products from Dutch breeders are in special demand. In general, the market share between the companies is distributed as follows:

  • companies (up to 80%);
  • Dutch companies (up to 15-17%);
  • French and Ukrainian (no more than 3%);
  • other seeds (no more than 2%).

What is the secret of the popularity of seeds from Holland?

The Dutch have been breeding varieties of tomatoes for a long time. Tomatoes, as a heat-loving and sun-demanding crop, quickly took root in a rainy country with a minimum number of sunny days a year. That is why varieties and hybrids of tomatoes from Holland are considered very resistant. In addition, experts have done tremendous work to develop hybrids that are resistant to a huge number of common diseases and tomato viruses.

Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

It cannot be argued that the Dutch varieties are definitely better than ours, bred by local agricultural firms. When buying a particular bag of seeds, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of cultivation. Each plant has its own planting scheme, thermal and light conditions, features of the formation of a bush. All this must be taken into account.

It should be noted that it was the Dutch companies that succeeded in breeding new high-yielding tomato varieties. Going to the store, be sure to pay attention to them.

Overview of the best varieties for open ground

The best varieties of tomatoes from Holland for outdoor cultivation were selected based on their durability, yield and, of course, high taste.

Important! If the taste qualities are rated by experts as “4 – good”, then such tomatoes are most often processed.

For fresh consumption and in salads, tomatoes are most often grown with a rating of “excellent” and “excellent”.

Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Below are Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground, successfully grown on our plots.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

A hybrid called “Debut” is represented by large fruits with a dense skin. The mass of each tomato is on average 200 grams. The ripening period is ultra-early, which means that it will be of interest to those gardeners who live in areas with a short summer, for example, Siberia and the Urals. The bush of the plant is determinant, its growth is limited.

Resistant to diseases such as: late blight, Alternaria, verticillium, gray leaf spot. Tastes excellent, well suited for fresh summer salads. Commercial quality is excellent. Since the hybrid is intended for open and closed ground, in case of an early cold snap, low seedling bushes can be covered with a film.

It is represented on the market by Seminis.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The Dutch company Bejo presents the Sultan hybrid tomato as one of the best for growing outdoors. It is especially liked by residents of the southern regions, as it endures heat and drought. Tomato is demanding on the application of mineral fertilizers, especially superphosphate.

The fruits of the hybrid “Sultan” are fleshy, it belongs to the so-called class of beef tomatoes. Bush closed type determinant. Productivity is high, not less than 10 kilograms per square meter. The taste is excellent, it is used fresh and for pickling, the fruits weigh 150-200 grams. The growing season is short and is only 73-76 days.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The Tarpan hybrid is represented by beautiful fleshy fruits with excellent taste. The supplier is the well-known company Nunhems. The tomato is intended for growing in open and closed ground, resistant to heat, therefore it is suitable for growing in the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, the Volga Region, the Chernozem Region and the Belgorod Region, as well as in the Crimea and other regions.

The term of maturation is 90-100 days, a bush of limited growth of a determinant type. The good thing is that up to 1 plants can be planted per 5 square meter without affecting the yield. Fruits have a weight of 130-150 grams, are used universally.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Describing the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground from Holland, one cannot help but recall the Tanya hybrid from Seminis. These tomatoes are very famous for their high marketability, long shelf life and can be transported over long distances.

The ripening period is from 90 to 100 days from the moment the first shoots appear. The fruits are very beautiful, they are aligned (200 grams each fruit), the return of the crop is friendly. The taste is excellent, Tanya tomatoes are the optimal balanced content of sugars and acids. They have a bright aroma. The plant is compact, does not require pinching, which cannot but be liked by those gardeners who prefer tomatoes “for the lazy.” The use is universal.

Super Red

Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The name of the hybrid is translated as “bright red”, since its skin has a very beautiful scarlet hue. The Super Red hybrid is represented on the market by Seminis. It is intended for cultivation in open ground and in film shelters. The weight of one fruit is from 160 to 200 grams. The taste is good, the skin is dense, due to this, the tomato fruits do not crack, they are stored for a long time and can be transported.

The yield is high, it is 13,5 kilograms per square meter. Resistant to diseases such as fusarium wilt, TMV, yellow leaf curl virus, verticillium.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The hybrid “Polfast” of the Dutch selection from the company Bejo is intended exclusively for open ground. It ripens in 86 to 91 days, it is represented by fleshy tomatoes with excellent taste. It is for this quality that gardeners love him. The hybrid is well known in Our Country, the tomato fruits do not crack, have an excellent presentation, the weight of each of them is 100-150 grams. The yield reaches 6 kilograms per square meter.

A determinate tomato bush, only 60-65 centimeters high, does not require formation, it is very easy to care for such plants. Since the bush is quite compact, seedlings can be planted quite densely, for example, 6 pieces per square meter. Used for salads, canning, juices and sauces.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

This ultra-early hybrid of Dutch tomatoes from Seminis is suitable for growing both in greenhouses and in the open field. The growing season is very short (62-64 days), which cannot but please the inhabitants of the Urals and Siberia. The yield is extremely high, up to 4,5 kilograms of high-quality tomato fruits can be harvested from one bush, and up to 12,5 kilograms per square meter.

The fruits of the tomato are bright red, large (240 grams). Taste is good, product quality is excellent. The shelf life is at least 7 days. The bush of the plant is compact, it can be planted quite densely. The use is universal.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

‘Elegro’ is a disease and virus resistant tomato hybrid with a short growing season. From the moment the first shoots appear to the ripening of the tomato, 72 days pass. The hybrid is intended for cultivation in an open ground. Resistance to the following diseases is guaranteed by the seed company: yellow leaf curl virus, TMV, Fusarium, Verticillium wilt. The crop is practically not threatened by anything during the growth period.

The bush is compact, determinate, limited in growth. The average foliage of the plant allows planting seedlings of 4-6 pieces per square meter. At the same time, productivity does not suffer; up to 4,5 kilograms of excellent tomatoes can be harvested from a bush. The fruits of the hybrid are dense round, they do not crack. Taste qualities are good. Profitable to grow in large volumes for sale.


Describing the best varieties of Dutch tomatoes, we most often describe hybrids. Tomato “Gina” is just a varietal, which is a rarity for products from the Netherlands. The variety is famous for its high yield, growth vigor, ease of care, excellent fruit taste.

The bush of the plant variety “Gina” is compact, undersized. It reaches a height of only 30-60 centimeters, it is not necessary to stepson and form it. The tomato is mid-ripening, for 110 days of the growing season, the fruits manage to absorb the optimal amount of sugars and acids, which makes the tomatoes very tasty. Tomatoes are large, weighing up to 280 grams. The yield is high, from a square meter you can get about 10 kilograms of tomatoes. Perfect for industrial scale cultivation. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.


Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Hybrid “Benito” was created for those who love small tomatoes with high resistance to temperature extremes. This is an early ripe tomato, the growing season is only 70 days, the weight of each fruit does not exceed 120 grams. Tomatoes are aligned, painted bright red, have excellent taste. Despite the fact that the fruits are small, the plant bears fruit abundantly. This is a big plus. That is why the hybrid is recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale for the purpose of selling to the market. The yield reaches 22 kilograms per square meter.

From 7 to 9 fruits are formed on one brush, the plant needs to be tied up and shaped. Resistance to verticillium wilt and Fusarium is a plus. High commercial qualities, safety during transportation.

Benefits of technology from the Netherlands

The main advantage of any variety or hybrid is high yield with a minimum amount of energy and money. Many of us have encountered a problem when seedlings planted in open ground suddenly begin to hurt. The struggle for survival begins, not for productivity. Every time at such a moment, I want this to never happen again.

Plant resistance to complex diseases is what distinguishes the newest Dutch tomato varieties.

Dutch varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Strict adherence to the instructions is important. Sometimes it is advised to form a tomato bush in one stem, sometimes in two. All this, including the scheme of planting seedlings, greatly affects the yield. Tomatoes from the Netherlands are no different from our seeds in terms of cultivation requirements.

The soil has been prepared since autumn, digging it up, and processing it after harvesting. In the spring, before planting seedlings, disinfection is carried out, superphosphate is applied. As for mineral fertilizers, Dutch tomatoes are no less demanding on their application during the flowering and fruiting period. At the same time, Dutch tomatoes are demanding on space; they do not tolerate planting seedlings in large numbers in small areas. This will affect the yield of varieties and hybrids.

Additional tips for growing tomatoes outdoors are presented in the video below:

How to grow TOMATOES in open ground. Top dressing. Mulching. Pasynkovanie

In general, they will help gardeners determine the work plan for the season. This will ensure high yields for all varieties and hybrids selected for planting.

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