Dutch onion: varieties
Today, Dutch onions have firmly taken their place in the grocery market. Breeders offer many different varieties, differing in taste, size, high yield.
Among gardeners, varieties that are grown from seeds are in demand. This saves time, effort and money for harvesting. But this has its drawbacks – it is impossible to determine the variety of onions by the appearance of the seeds, so they must be purchased in proven places or grown by ourselves.
Dutch onions produce large bulbs
Breeding laboratories in Holland have been developing new varieties of vegetable crops for a long time. They achieved great success in onion cultivation and developed their own product line. The following varieties are distinguished:
- Red Baron. This is a mid-season, semi-hot onion that is used in salads.
- Sturon. They prefer to grow it as a biennial plant, since the bulbs are much larger from the seed. Resistant to shooting and disease, the turnip is sharp, juicy.
- “Exhibition”. It is a salad variety that produces large bulbs. Ripens quickly, but is not stored for long.
All varieties give high yields and do not require special attention. Grown from seeds, seedlings and seedlings.
Growing winter varieties of Dutch onions
Growing winter onions has a number of advantages. The bulbs planted in the fall do not require special storage rooms, do not deteriorate and yield earlier than usual. Rooted over the winter, they turn out large and juicy. There are a number of rules that must be followed:
- Special varieties are used that do not throw out the arrow.
- Planting is carried out a month before frost.
- The soil is well loosened and cleared of roots.
- Organic or mineral fertilizers are applied.
- For the winter, the beds are covered with insulating materials – tops, straw or agrofibre.
The most popular varieties for winter cultivation are Shakespeare and Radar. Perennial plants tolerate winter well, but they do not give a turnip and are grown for greens.
Onions are consumed all year round, but in spring they are the main source of vitamins in the form of greens. Proper care and adherence to planting norms gives a high yield of turnip. Store onions in a warm, dry place. He does not tolerate basements and polyethylene. The stored onion must be periodically sorted out and the spoiled one removed, because the neighboring ones will rot from one rotten onion.