Dust in the home: modern cleaning methods. Video
Fighting dust in the house for many housewives has become an almost daily routine. In unfavorable conditions, the cleaning results disappear after a few hours: you just have to wipe the dust, and it appears again, as if from nowhere. To deal with this problem, try modern tools.
Dust in the house: how to get rid
Proven methods – are they perfect?
Regular wet cleaning is a prerequisite for keeping your home clean. In fact, if you walk over all horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth, vacuum the carpets and scrub the floor, it will be easier to breathe in the apartment. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely and permanently get rid of dust in this way, because there are many sources of constant pollution around, which are extremely difficult to neutralize: – exhaust gases and dirt from the street (through doors and windows); – washed linen on a dryer; – down pillows and featherbeds; – powdered household chemicals; – wallpaper; – particles of dying skin; – Pets.
Carpets, upholstered furniture, plugged-in electrical appliances, bed linen, soft toys – all this accumulates dust and is not cleaned every day.
And if a family member suffers from a respiratory illness (asthma, allergies), ordinary wet cleaning will only slightly alleviate the situation. To combat dust with more modern methods, look to modern technology.
The main disadvantage of a conventional vacuum cleaner is that not all dust is collected during cleaning. First, part of it simply rises up and then settles again. Secondly, part of the fine dust comes out from the vacuum cleaner itself, and it becomes more viscous, which is quite dangerous for the lungs. A washing vacuum cleaner is able to cope with these shortcomings. The aquafilter in this device retains much more dust. Conventional processing with such a vacuum cleaner is often a complete replacement for wet cleaning.
Even the most modern vacuum cleaner is not able to remove the pollution that is in the air. To cope with this problem, install an air purifier at home
1. Air purifiers with HEPA filters (air filters for highly efficient particle retention). Inside such a device are filters made of special fibers that attract and retain dust from the air passing through them. Such an air purifier also helps to fight against plant pollen, which often causes allergies. 2. Air washers. These devices are equipped with filters made of special adsorbent materials that effectively retain dust. In most cases, air washers also function as a humidifier. 3. Air purifiers with photocatalytic filters. The main feature of such filters is not the attraction of dust particles, but their decomposition with the help of the catalyst contained in them.
Some air purifiers have charcoal or zeolite filters that trap gas impurities and unpleasant odors. Modern types of air purifiers can have several different filters at the same time and are often equipped with additional options as excellent bonuses: an ionizer, a UV emitter, an ozonizer.