Healthy (well, almost healthy) nutrition, training … Not life, but a continuous sacrifice in the name of harmony, and weight does not go away as quickly as we would like. And the mood is so-so … What could be the catch? It turns out that even the interior of your own apartment can turn into an obstacle on the way to a dream figure. Fortunately, everything is fixable and quite simple. has collected five things that you need to get rid of as soon as possible, and things will go smoothly.
Unexpected, but true. Recently, scientists from the American Duke University, speaking at the annual meeting of endocrinologists, voiced the data of the latest research. It turns out that house dust can stimulate the development of fat cells and their increased division. As a result, we get fat.
Scientists associate this phenomenon with the very nature of house dust. After all, it is mostly the remnants of dead skin, dirt that we bring from the street, poisonous fumes exuded by furniture, carpets, particles of cleaning products and other dirty tricks. All of this affects how our body stores and processes fat. Moreover, children are much more sensitive to house dust than adults: they still have insufficiently developed immunity.
What to do? Cleaning, of course! The more people in the house, the more often you need to clean up. In addition, it is important to ensure that street dirt does not spread throughout the house. It is best to wash your shoes as soon as you take off your shoes and wipe the floor behind you at the doorstep.
More precisely, its absence. There is a study that says that people living in small apartments and studios get fat faster, more, stronger. And all this is because there is no door to the kitchen – the smells from there are carried throughout the apartment, hovering in the air longer, whetting the appetite. Therefore, more often you want to get up, go and grab another piece of tasty food. And, by the way, this is not the only danger that lies in wait for the tenants of small apartments. Experts say cramped conditions are noticeably detrimental to health.
What to do? Open the window so that the odors disappear quickly, use an extractor hood. If possible, put the door to the kitchen. If there is no kitchen and you live in a studio, then all that remains is the fight against food aromas. But don’t stop cooking! Takeout food is our worst enemy in the field of weight loss.
The color, shape, and size of the plates affect our appetite and how much food we end up eating. Dark colors – gray, brown, lilac, purple, violet, black – suppress appetite. The plates themselves look stylish and beautiful, and the food on them does not seem as appetizing as on the dishes of “joyful” colors: yellow, orange, red, light green and light blue. And the most “appetizing” plates are white and solid. In addition, it has been noticed that we eat more from large plates, and less from square ones than from round ones.
What to do? Buy a small square plate in dark color. These will be our duty dishes, which will determine the size of the portion from day to day. So the amount eaten can be easily controlled, and the appetite can be kept in check without unnecessary suffering.
Airy and bright – what could be more beautiful, especially if the apartment is small. Heavy dense curtains visually “eat up” precious meters. But there are also benefits from them, especially in summer – in winter, the problem is not so urgent. The fact is that light from the street at night interferes with the body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin. As a result, we get less sleep, even if we sleep for a long time – it’s not just the amount of sleep, but also the quality. And lack of sleep affects us in the worst way, increasing the feeling of hunger. The body constantly requires food, and preferably in the form of fast carbohydrates: cakes, pies, cookies. In addition, the less melatonin, the more our body produces the stress hormone. But he also needs to be seized with something! This is how the precious metabolism is disturbed.
What to do? Dim. If you do not want to change the curtains, you can hang a roll-curtain with a blackout effect on the window. It will not change the interior either, and will reliably protect you from street light.
Falling asleep to a TV show is a bad idea. Firstly, because of the blue light, which is generally useless in the bedroom. If you look at the screen even an hour before finally going to the side, it greatly degrades the quality of sleep. What will be the consequences – see above. Just like the screen of a TV or laptop, scrolling of social media feeds on a mobile phone affects sleep. Not only does annoying blue light affect an already tired brain, but you also load your head with all sorts of news, for the most part we do not need at all. Secondly, advertising is another engine of weight gain. Looking at the mouth-watering videos, it is very difficult to resist and not gobble up something like that. By the way, researchers say that if you cut the time in front of the TV in half, then the daily calorie consumption increases by about 100. Apparently, because we find ourselves other activities.
What to do? Before going to bed – read. Better yet, just go to bed. Remove all glowing electronics away from the bedroom. If there is nowhere, then at least disconnect from the network.