Dusheparka – Yaroslavl answer to punch and mulled wine

Dusheparka is an old Russian alcoholic drink from the Yaroslavl region. It has a sweet-tart taste with cranberry sourness and a burning “peppercorn” of ginger, served hot. According to the technology of preparation, it is close to European mulled wine and Slavic analogues: Siberian vvarets and Ukrainian varenukha. Despite the pronounced regionality, the soulpark drink has not yet been patented and is not a name controlled by origin.

It can be reliably asserted that dusheparka was brewed and drunk in the Yaroslavl region in the XNUMXth century, no earlier evidence has been preserved, but most likely the recipe appeared a couple of centuries earlier. There is no single method of preparation: at each farmstead, dusheparka was cooked in its own way. Nowadays, the drink is made in Yaroslavl and Poshekhon restaurants, mainly for tourists.

In addition to spices, honey, berry juices and spices, the dusheparka contains beer and some red wine, the strength of the final product does not exceed 6-7%, the drink is drunk easily and imperceptibly.

How to drink soulpark

Dusheparka is drunk only hot: it is a winter, warming drink, the character of which is fully reflected in the name: “soaring” (warming) soul alcohol. Traditional glasses for mulled wine or grog are best suited for serving, and dusheparka can also be drunk from wooden goblets, ceramic mugs – in general, any container that can survive high temperatures.

The old Russian “punch” should be eaten with regional dishes: fish soup, fish pies, Poshekhonsky cheese and cottage cheese. Pickles, fruits, gingerbread, boiled or steamed vegetables go well with dusheparka.

An old soulpark recipe

It is believed that the original recipe for soulparka has been lost. Allegedly, only recently some restaurateurs restored the old cooking technology, but they keep it a secret, because they spent a lot of time and money on experiments.

However, a culinary book from 1792 has survived to our times, in which it is described in detail how to cook dusheparka. If we translate ancient Russian measures into modern ones, the recipe will be as follows.


  • liquid honey – 150 ml;
  • dark beer – 0,5 liters;
  • berries (cranberries and lingonberries) – 200-250 grams;
  • spices (ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, St. John’s wort) – to taste;
  • red semi-sweet wine – 200 ml;
  • sugar – to taste.

To make the taste lighter, dark beer can be replaced with light beer, and the amount of honey can be increased by 2-4 times.


1. Mix honey, beer, berries and spices in a saucepan.

2. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heating power to a minimum. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

3. Strain the resulting broth through gauze or a strainer. Squeeze the berries dry (no longer needed).

4. Pour all the liquid back into the pan. Add wine. Sweeten with sugar if desired. Mix.

5. Heat the soulparka on the stove, but do not bring to a boil – as soon as the first bubbles appear, quickly remove from heat and pour into glasses or cups.

6. Serve hot or warm. If desired, you can drink through a straw or add pieces of fresh fruit or berries to the glass for aroma.

Dusheparka – Yaroslavl answer to punch and mulled wine

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