During the wedding, he danced until he dropped. He ended up on the operating table

Paisley and Ravid Rogers had been planning their wedding and reception for a long time. Initially, their plans were thwarted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the spring of that year, they finally got married. However, the surprising twist of action during their wedding was on the way to full happiness.

  1. The groom drank a few drinks during the wedding, which made him in an even better mood and increased self-confidence and decreased motor coordination
  2. Initially, the newlyweds and guests played down the accident that happened. Its serious consequences for Ravid’s health did not become apparent until morning
  3. Rogers paid for the unfortunate event with a three-hour operation and several weeks of convalescence, which thwarted his honeymoon plans
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

It was supposed to be their dream wedding. British couple Paisley and Ravid Rogers had been planning this event for months. Initially, they wanted to get married in 2020, but their plans were thwarted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions introduced. Therefore, they postponed the wedding and the wedding to this spring.

For a long time, everything was going according to schedule, and when the groom had drunk one drink too much, he fell over. After a while, he got up and continued to dance, downplaying the whole thing. The fun with the newlyweds lasted until five in the morning.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

Medicine makes a difference the state of poisoning after drinking alcohol (0,2-0,5 per mille) and state of intoxicationwhen this limit is exceeded. The first symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:

  1. agitation and hyperactivity;
  2. cheerfulness, self-confidence of the drinker;
  3. the smell of alcohol from the mouth;
  4. speech problems and strange behavior
  5. balance disorders, shakiness;

Problems arose when the body began to metabolize alcohol, and Ravid Rogers began to feel the painful consequences of the fall.

You can find the rest of the article under the video.

Back then I was sober enough to feel the enormous pain I was feeling and see how swollen and bruised my leg was told Rogers in an interview with The Mirror.

They gave up on the honeymoon, she became a nurse

The situation was getting more and more serious. The leg began to swell more and more, and the pain was getting unbearable. As a result, the groom was hospitalized. Hours later, Ravid called his wife to say that he had broken his ankle badly and would need surgery. So the couple canceled their honeymoon and returned home to Exeter.

Ankle fractures

The surest method of diagnosing ankle injuries and fractures is to take an X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging or the use of computed tomography with the possibility of creating a 3D bone model. The most common symptoms of an ankle fracture include:

  1. pain radiating to the foot or knee;
  2. edema;
  3. bruising around the fracture;
  4. sometimes deformation of the joint;
  5. restriction or increased mobility of the joint;

Ultimately, the operation lasted three hours and was a success, with his wife Paisley taking over as his nanny and nurse for several weeks.

Make sure you don’t overdo it with alcohol. Always have the AlcoTEST on hand to check the alcohol content of the exhaled air.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Dr. Agnieszka Bolikowska – the founder of Linguistics, creator of the 6oMethod® method, will tell us about what slow learning is. How to break the language barrier? How to learn to make mistakes? You will learn about this and other aspects of language learning in today’s episode. Listen!

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