Durajski on Morawiecki’s words: silence was a trap
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Tomasz Sekielski’s guest at Onet Rano was doctor Łukasz Durajski, who spoke about the current epidemic situation in Poland. He referred to the words of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, which were made before the presidential election, that the virus is in retreat, we have dealt with it and we are afraid of it less and less.

The expert admitted that the first words on the lips are “I did not say”. He added that none of the experts shared the Prime Minister’s enthusiasm and said that the epidemic was in retreat. The momentary silence that we observed was a trap into which not only Poland fell, but also other European countries.

The best evidence of the fact that the epidemic is not retreating is the numbers. On September 24, we wrote about the record for daily infections – 1136, a day later this record was broken. Today, the Ministry of Health announced 1587 new infections – it’s worth following our current statistics available HERE

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Are we dealing with a second wave of COVID-19 in Europe?
  2. The European Commission calls on EU countries to enforce the principles of distance and hygiene in protection against COVID-19
  3. How tourism contributed to the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic?

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